STOP with the email ads. They are very annoying! I just want to see my emails.I get enough spam I don't want more!
A good spam blocker or just stop letting them go through.

Anonymous commented
please stop with the ads
Anonymous commented
this new app smacks of the old days when computer manufacturers loaded AOL without approval. it was an extreme annoyance then and it is now. I makes me want to look for another isp.
Anonymous commented
Please stop all this junk and annoying spam
please stop commented
please stop commented
Rhonda Gay Brown commented
The Adds are very, anoyying
Anonymous commented
take away the ads. I am tempted to go with another email provider
Anonymous commented
I have to use Gmail app to see aol mail without ads because of stupid ads in aol app. very naughty of you.
Stella Leite commented
does it really.say 20.spam day out of four mothers. how about 311 kids out of 19 fathers. .8.alive
Anonymous commented
only want my mail
Anonymous commented
Default should be emails and not interested in YOUR political slants. Not happy at all and as you can see from others, neither are they.
So when are you going to make us happy? -
Shalyn commented
Get rid of ads they annoying and irrelevant to me already get enough spam emails
Anonymous commented
20 spam a day. Out of the 4 other email providers I have, AOL is the ONLY one I get non stop spam daily. I suggest all of us which use aol, Rid the aol app, Get rid of Aol altogether since aol wont fix the spammers
Olivia Ensley commented
I cannot access my email from aol since late Sept 2021. I hate it. All the useless adds are clutter that I NEVER read. Take all off except my email.
Anonymous commented
I have not been able to access my email since Oct 30 2021.All of my emails are going to spam and are cluttered with junk emails.Cut out the junk and help me direct my mail back to my inbox.
Anonymous commented
so fed up with adverts related to USA services despite living in UK
Anonymous commented
stop the ads, the old email was much better. when something works why change it.
Anonymous commented
I agree STOP the annoying adds, they make me want to change my email provider
Anonymous commented
Add notification sound options. good grief how annoying !
Anonymous commented
sick of seeing ads in my feed.