get rid of Yahoo news feed. it's mostly misinformation and opinions

larry commented
love ya daisy, funny how the trumpanzies are calling out you for being foul mouthed yet thier god is the most foul mouthed person on the planet, such pathetic hypocrites
larry commented
u dumbasfuk trumpsleeze, aol is far being left because i can hardly read it. Just bc a 'news' outlet does not constantly tout the ignorant and criminal things republicants are doing all over the country does not mean they are liberal. Go back to truthsocial or alex jones you gdhillybillies
PhilH commented
Totally agree.
Anonymous commented
Way too liberal.
Anonymous commented
Daisy is Brain Dead.
He is a foul mouthed tool for AOL. -
Anonymous commented
Marquise Francis is definitely not a journalist. every person interviewed was of the same political party. very biased. the misleading comments about the " Don't say gay bill" as it's mentioned shows that they didn't read the bill and is a puppet or read the bill and is a puppet with no honor or dignity.
Anonymous commented
get rid of the last up date. 2 many adv.
Mikeluvs commented
yes aol seems by your news feed you sure are taking a one sided political stance
all negative trump trump trump
and positive Biden Biden Biden
when come on this administration is a mess smh -
Jay commented
I agree..less opinion pieces and more real news. This is clearly very 1 sided.
mike harrington commented
go back I been here 20 years bring me back please
daisy commented
michael stfu you dumbasspeabrain
Michael Chadburn commented
What about a article on Biden's lies about Hunter? Or how he's ruining America?
Anonymous commented
amen so tired of the tripe being sold as journalism, wake up and understand your customer this. you have the analytics to do rhis.
daisy commented
trumpcumguzzlers drinkin the tea
wendy commented
I agree
Julie commented
I agree 100%, that's why came in here. News feed is opinionated, not news. was going to also say I'm starting to look for new email acct. Been w/AOL for well over 20 years.
Anonymous commented
You can always tell when an article is bs when it starts with the violent January 6th coup.
Brent Elrod, JD commented
YES! So tired of hearing the "journalists" opinion.
Suzanne commented
Mark Mcclain commented
I agree