block all and everything to do with trump
common sense politics NOTHING TRUMP

Anonymous commented
Would not have been needed if Covid was gone by Easter or the bleach worked.
Anonymous commented
Wish they would block leftwing idiots who think Biden is a good POTUS. He has us us so deep in debt it's a sin. He just throws it around like it's free, in his first few months in office he tossed out 4 Trillion dollars for people to stay home and not go to work, because they made more in unemployment. Then sending thousands of dollars in checks to people who don't need the money, and now he wants illegals to vote just do the left wingnuts stay in power. Not a chance the SCOTUS will stop 🛑 that really quick .
Anonymous commented
Block Trump or give me a choice to do it myself
Anonymous commented
yeah ... I don't want the truth. keep up the good work. woke military... mutilate children ... spend spend spend. open hospitals that will give us slanted eyes.
yeah, that's the ticket. AOC for Queen?? -
digieddie commented
I am so tired of Fox News lies, they're being sued for it, they're being forced down our throat, and they are pure propaganda for the ultra rich. very insulting
lynda commented
yahooooooooooooo, until he goes to jail I don't want to hear about trumpty dumpty