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24 results found
228th ranked
7th ranked
Hi there. The Samsung Keyboard issue should be fixed in the latest update to the UI, One UI 5.1. You can go to your device's settings, tap on ''Software update'' to see if this update is available for you. If it's not, please try again later.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commented😃
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedthank you🙏🫶
468th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedso what!
78th ranked
161st ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commented🤷
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedtrumptraitor
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commented🤮🤮🤮🤮
102nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedhey Dan, have you always been so stupid or did it just happen over time😏
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedand what fox is kind and thoughtful? you are a foul mouthed trumpty
19th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentednot a chance pea brain
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedtrumpscum
91st ranked
228th ranked
468th ranked
468th ranked
64th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedall news is misleading
9th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commented👏
102nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedyahooooooooooooo, until he goes to jail I don't want to hear about trumpty dumpty
102nd ranked
468th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedcommonass is more like it trumptraitor
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedtrumpslime, go away
468th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedyour problem is you watch fox bc the rest of the media is talking about all of these things except hunter which is NOT a story at all no matter how many of you idiots say it is. Inflatin is a world wide issue that you want to blame on Biden like all the trumpsleeze do, and btw the Ameica is doing way better than most all countries but once again trumptrash continue to deny this. Lastly on Ohio a Republican run state can thank trump for his misinformed deregulation push. You people cannot make a coherent argument with an ant. Go pedal your ignorance at church you *********
91st rankedlynda supported this idea ·
2nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedone time
468th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment lynda commentedit's easier if you just move to NY, THANKS FROM THE AOL TEAM 🤪
wow this is the first response from an admin I have ever seen on here. Great work aol🤮