We would appreciate it if you'd actually listen to the suggestions and actually fix the problems already posted over and over!!
Actually fix the problems!

Robin Schiro commented
Get those terrorists out of my email!
Robin Schiro commented
Please get the terrorists under the guise of being IRS Contract Investigators out of my email. You are liable for their crimes!!!
Anonymous commented
worse ap I've ever used. always has problems always takes a long time to open emails. I go to my emails and then all of a sudden emails pop up from hours ago out of nowhere. then when you contact AOL to have the nerve to want to charge you $30/ $40 a month or something like that to help fix the issues that's just ridiculous anyone could go to any other email source for free instead of using AOL which is always a problem!!
stephen w. commented
Scrolling down is really annoying when the feed is constantly moving left and right, is there no way to stop this?