Allow different sound notifications for messages(customers that have google chrome). I will be canceling my AOL account due to this issue!
due to the fact, I have google chrome. Your representative stated that I am unable to change or have a different notification sound. I have 2 different email accounts, which both have the same notification sound when I receive email. Therefore, I must check both emails, which is very time consuming. Since my AOL account has been hacked so many times, due to SLACK security(in the past). I will be deleting my AOL account, as soon as I completely notify all my creditors of the change. Also, AOL's security is NOT top notch either. I must say, since AOL added the lock account feature it is better. The sign-on options work sometimes and other times they do not work. I must re-enter my password everytime.

Frantz Laurenceau commented
Give the user the possibility to change the notification sound when he gets new mail.