Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
I am tired of Hollywood and bashing Trump, why not do a feature like a bunch of news about a certain state or city.
J.R.W. commented
Your reporting on Mr. Trump is slanted and biased against him. Today's report makes the bogus claim that Face Book banned extreme right-wingers and that Mr. Trump is upset over it. Your reporters don't have a clue as to what extreme right-wing is.
kikxon66 commented
aol=fake news. you are an anti american,ignorant bunch of cry babies. we should build a wall around aol and keep you bunch of truth twisters in one spot. why would you even repeat anything alexandea exxon valdez has to say. if you people at aol don t realize she`s an idiot then you at aol are idiots
Rex commented
Smiley commented
Aol just lost me as a paying customer. I hope they can survive with all these free loaders that use it for free. Tired of seeing the one sided news and bashing of trump. You put on there he spent tax payer money for alcohol...have you ever broadcasted that he takes no paychecks and donates them all. All of this is tiring and we need policies changed not all this back yard school bs....AOL is a part of the problem and not the solution
Anonymous commented
Quit using the Huffington Post. All women?Where's the diversity. Like watching The View
Anonymous commented
Be neutral and stop the liberal bashing of the President
Rita commented
Balance your news coverage! Your current format is left of even CNN and MSNBC. No, please don’t become another Fox News either—just show a little balance, okay? Roughly half your audience is middle of the road or right-leaning. Please stop alienating half your audience!
Diane Haugen commented
If all of us conservatives cancel your liberal biased service, maybe the hit to your pocketbook will make you stop bashing our president and only supporting the criminals like Hillary. I have been a loyal paying customer of yours since 1995 and I have had enough. I and many others are seriously considering canceling since I know you won't pay any attention to my comments. I talk to many people who are sick of you and your lying, left-slanted news. I don't even read it any more.
Anonymous commented
YOUR ***** headline and your story about Rod's resignation says a BIG NOTHING about Rod slamming the obama administration for lack of "candor" in exposing Russia trying to manipulate our election process. Could it be because obama said there was no problem or "He told Putin to stop"? What a bunch of ****** you put out instead of the truth!!
Anonymous commented
See above
Anonymous commented
See above
Robert Prior commented
Dig Up Some Real News , Who Started The Phony Russia Hoax , Who Is Involved ?
None of your business commented
I have been on aol since the inception. I would love to stop the damned Trump bashing "news". I won't read it no matter how you try. I'm sick to death of hearing about how bad he is. He's a great president. He is America First. If you don't like it, leave. I don't care about what you think he's lying about. He's transparent. The media lies 24/7.
Thomas Murphy commented
Dropping AOL.
Anonymous commented
Im starting to dislike the lies and negativity AOL promotes... We need unbiased journalism... Not ********...
ELLEN SABIN commented
you will quote anyone if it is negative about trump
Anonymous commented
more positive news... stop beating us to the ground.... my family and friends will not read news anymore they believe its all hate and fake news
Robert Bauer commented
Enough with the Trump bashing. I can't check my email without page after page of it. I'm not republican and it's old.
Anonymous commented
agreed! aol is obnoxious