Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

Anonymous commented
AOL was once a useful source for news, now I just laugh! You are so anti Trump that it has damaged your vision for real news. Biden is not real news, he was sent here as a decoy so the other dems won't look bad when they implement their socialism, communism and destroy free America! Just remember you are part of it. ? ?
Renoir commented
I like to know AOL is my post contrary to your agenda and why has it not been processed yet?
Renoir commented
The truth will set you free and by the way read the Bible about two Terms for Trump & Pence.!!
Renoir commented
You assume with your other Bias News outlets as well as now Fox News. In which you say it is over the 2020 election? I have news for you it is not and that Mr. Trump will serve another 4 years and starting this week we will see the corruption from O'Bama and Biden in targeting Trumps election and the false count's of the Ballots and they will be accountability and charges brought forth and in closing do not be surprise hat Hannity,Carlson,Ingrams tell Fox Executives to go to ****. In that they do not want to have them say anything negative about Brazile,Wallace,Cavuto,Williams who hate Trump and the Republican Party and in closing watch now for the (JUSTICE) to served to the Socialist Left-Joe will say what man it is alright for Hunter to take 3-Million dollars and more and (Jail-Time)- is coming for them.!!
CB commented
Where's my FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!??????
[Deleted User] commented
[Deleted User] commented
Anonymous commented
Donald Trump has numerous and visible and audible sources plus numerous News recordings of illegal fraud with the election. But AOL who I pay for internet access still pedals this ******** . You should be ashamed of yourself. Elected presidents bring elected Senators to the Senate. Not with Lame Duck BIDEN who could not bring ONE!
w. morrison commented
It would be nice if an individual could chose their news outlet. I find Huffington news one sided to the left. I view it as fake news, and do not even wish to see the fake news headlines on my screen. Please give us a choice...
Anonymous commented
Do and remove the mail in ballots and make it mandatory to vote in person voting or their is no government. Plus do it in all the states that are destroying our election. No cheating with standing in line person voting I did an many other states that has no problems.
arthomasvt15 commented
You don't report the news and let people decide how to think, you report how to think. You push a liberal bias and filter the message given to the people. America will remember who lied to them when the dust settles.
Anonymous commented
AOL's persistent and blatant bias against conservative points of view does a grave disservice to journalism. AOL lacks any semblance of objectivity in their reporting.
Beatin' the dumbDems commented
Left Bastards
Anonymous commented
If you can't provide balanced political news don't provide any at all...its sickening.
Anonymous commented
Report the news without bias. What a concept that would be. What do the democrats do for you, for you to be so over the top one sided?
Joann commented
It is obvious in your censorship that you are trying to control any right-wing comments. No wonder you stay in hot water. We have a right to our viewpoints without being censored.
For goodness sakes, stop with the old out of date news stories from months to years old repeated over and over.
Stop with the click the next button to get to the next paragraph of the story. Normally once you start that I just google the topic so I can read the story without the nonsense.
Renoir commented
The Truth shall set you free.!!
Renoir commented
We subscribe to your Network and it is paramount that you you give a fair and "BALANCE" response to your critique of the Administration as well as the Biden Debacle that is now taking place or otherwise (232) should be put in play by Congress. Praise Jesus!!
Robert Mertens commented
No story about the Bobolinsky Interview and Evidence of Joe Biden and his families shady dealings. Tired of the stupid left wing stories trying to discredit our President. You Liberal Left wing idiots need to start printing the important news and not the looney fake b.s. Time for my family to get on another email platform and quit paying for this ridiculousness!!!
Joanne Stecklein commented
I have searched and searched today for the story that was released last night from Hunter Biden's business partner and can't find it anywhere!! I expected it to be HEADLINES this morning, as it would have been if it were Donald Trump and one of his sons. I see you must be suppressing the news and harming the American people. That is criminal!!