Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Lisa commented
So many people have made fun of me for continuing to use AOL for my email. For the most part, I have just ignored them. But I'm getting close to finally dumping AOL because the news content presented here is so obviously biased against President Trump and Republicans. I am reading a headline now that appears to be celebrating Lisa Page's decision to sue the U.S. Dept of Justice. She is an adulterous who continually mocked Trump supporters while using her position in the government to try to frame Trump and his campaign for crimes they didn't commit. The fact that AOL wants to celebrate this piece of human scum makes me think that the people who work at AOL have become human scum. I will be looking for a new email provider. SO LONG, **.
Anonymous commented
The beginning of the report seems to exonerate the deep state, but as the report unfolds, the conclusions he drew are the exact opposite of the opening statement. It finds political bias, and grave wrongdoing in the intelligence community. It also corroborates what we've known all along, that there was a conspiracy to overthrow a constitutionally elected President Trump. In any book, that's called a coup.
Rodney Black commented
You can improve AOL by removing biased liberal political opinion pieces in your news feed. It's painfully obvious and annoying.
Anonymous commented
That conclusion is the only false conclusion in the report. It does say that the dossier was the ONLY proof for fisa warrants. That in itself is more than enough proof that there was political bias, not to mention the emails between investigators. AND tell me when a witness becomes the interrogator in a hearing. Nadler and Schiff are the most pathetic operators of a kangaroo court, that isn't following any of the house procedural rules. This could be a scene right out of Animal House.
Anonymous commented
Stop pushing your anti-Trump agenda, it's obvious to all. You have no credibility.
Anonymous commented
Aol dropped thier blog site along with CNN and others. This allows them to spew one sided, partisan, biased opinions saying they are presenting facts about Trump and the hearings. But never report all the facts. The medias are painting a picture. But they only want you see thier picture. Restoring the blogs would allow Americans to post facts.
Anonymous commented
None of this is about anything else, but, the far left hates Trump and wants to get rid of him. nancy said it all if you listen to her announcement. All presidents have the right of office, and obama used it to the utmost. You and your leftist buddies are just trying to erode Trump's voters, but you must be frightened of his economy and the black support that he is getting.
Anonymous commented
Report News, Not your opinion
Charles Carter commented
Your reporter wrote an article describing testimony in the House impeachment testimony today. He described Deborah Karlan's comments as powerful. This is not news, it is wishful thinking by an obviously biased partisan. No wonder so many left leaning "journalists" have been laid off in the past year. Do you want to be next? Report the news. Leave your bias at home. Deborah Karlan succeeded in discrediting Stanford Law School and was publicly rebuked to boot. If you need a writer, I can send you a resume, although I really don't need money. I am a liberal, voted for Obama, but there is no pretension of neutrality in your reporting. I'll include my email address. Let me know what story or stories you would like covered. I guarantee you that I can do a better job of sticking to facts than the tripe I just read. I am serious. You will not find me listed on Facebook or Twitter.
Charles Carter -
John Calhoun commented
Your liberal bias makes me sick !! I will be leaving AOL soon !! You disgust me !!
John Calhoun commented
drop all the lib bias !!!
It seems AOL is increasingly becoming an advocate for Democrats instead of neutral and reporting real unbiased articles.
Anonymous commented
These people were not witnesses to anything. In fact, 3 out of 4 were PROVEN political hacks. I heard audio of their statements soon after Trump was inaugurated. They are proven Trump haters! And so are you, for that matter.
Anonymous commented
1/2 the country is Republican, please act like it and cover stories from both sides.
Anonymous commented
We don't need your censors , and one sided politics , you alienate half of your customers
Anonymous commented
Can you please stop with the President bashing? Your Journalists seem to have missed the 1st day of journalism school 101. UNBIAS in your reporting. Get reporters with will report facts; not spin stories to their own far left bias. I pay good money every month for this service and its getting very old with biased reporting. Please correct this ASAP.
mark giordano commented
mark giordano commented
mark giordano commented
John Patti commented
Your anti-American articles against the president are a joke. Now you publish a picture of some guys having a laugh and twist it into it "appears" garbage. How low can you go? Your despicable and endless filth without proof has become the norm. Your rag has not a ring of truth to it. Not an ounce of integrity in the lot of you.