Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
colm commented
UK news feed is extremely biased politically but even though I opt not to get it it appears every time I log on. Seriously considering changing e mail.
ELLEN SABIN commented
you never miss a chance to knock trump
Anonymous commented
DM commented
AOL *******. AOL prints negative stories of President Trump and show the most unattractive photos of the president. AOL is a lying, *******
Denver commented
It's become sickening having this ********, non factual opinion page passed off as news on my main/welcome screen. Isn't huffington the same ***** outfit that kept showing pictures of Hillary back in 2016 with the headline - "she can't lose/don't be upset..."
I need it gone, thanks for your time
Griselda Martinez commented
Please stop creating Headlines that lead readers to hate Trump. After reading articles, it is evident that the headline do not match story AND it is evident that headlines are constructed to create Anti-Trump support while grabbing attention of non readers. So sneaky and unfair to your Republican subscribers. I have been with you all about 25 yrs and this will be a reason to leave AOL.
Till then... I will continue to use these headlines & articles in my classes to work with students knowledge between facts and opinions. High school students even know. -
Anonymous commented
Why don't you give President Trump the respect he deserves and refer to him as "President Trump" instead of just "Trump"?
Anonymous commented
This is a perfect example of the abject bias and hypocrisy of the left, when a conservative is named to the show. And YOU are all accepting everyone's opinion and their right to express themselves. He's going to dance, STUPID PEOPLE. It's YOUR problem, not his.
CyB commented
Stop leading with tired Trump headlines that are basically reprinting the lies and hate he spews in his tweets. This is not news! It's lazy and should not be mistaken for journalism.
Trish Sewell commented
You can start by reporting things like Black unemployment at record lows. Build the wall success, Melania and her "Be Best" work. Michelle Obama was on AOL every other day it seemed. Our president is doing a great job. How about when he donates his paycheck every quarter and who he donated it too. I just read today about E. Warrens successful rally, never see anything about Trump! You should be ashamed of this obvious and unfair bias.
Anonymous commented
The nyt has finally gone off the rails. They've gone all in on this racism BS. Their 1619 premise is so full of ****. But of course YOU and your buddies will follow on like the mind-numbed robots you are, because YOU share their abject HATE of everything Trump. By the way, there are still 2/3 of the economists that don't believe in a coming recession. Now the attack front is racism AND the economy. YOU have participated in the demise of American journalism. The premise that slavery made America is patent BS. By the way, I doubt if you EVER post any of my comments anywhere, because YOU are AFRAID of the TRUTH!
Anonymous commented
If it's not "Russian collusion", then it's "racism", if it's not that, then it's the economy. It's always "something" against Trump, ISN'T IT? We already know about the "secret" nyt meeting where they "switched" from Russia to racism. It's a moment by moment onslaught, by you libbers. If you study Nazism, Hitler took some of his cues from American Progressives. And YOU are IT!
Al commented
Please include an option to turn off the Huffington Post. As you already know, they are shameslessly biased.
Anonymous commented
So, you mock Trump daily, and YOU call this news. YOU are doing just a friggin terrific job, aren't you?
Anonymous commented
Yesterday you were saying that the "pressure was really on Barr" to find out how Epstein died. This conclusion is one YOU accept, so in your judgement Barr is home free. So you made a BIG FRIGGIN DEAL about it, just like YOU do with everything Trump. YOU once again make me want to PUKE!
Hank Chimes commented
You are censoring clear, honest opinions that YOU do not agree with. You are obviously attempting to interfere with our elections. Pushing YOUR OWN agenda through censorship.
I am unemployed right now, and happy to look into the legal processes in having your company investigated -
Anonymous commented
stop the hate for our president... its played out... put something positive .. anything .. enough of the hate... make america smile again... stop the hate ...
Obviously not anonymous commented
Every time I sign in just to get my mail I have to see this political propaganda. I went to mail options and unchecked the "Today on AOL" box and I still get that homepage with all of that garbage. It's not worth it!
Anonymous commented
The democrats have been telling us that the president is not above the law. So, does anyone else wonder why the democrats think that illegal aliens are above the law and in some states will get "free" healthcare?
Try some click bait "news" that is PRO Trump PRO American so you can attract at least half the country that sees them.
Everyday the same tired trope, negative negative negative.
Its sickeningly boring and stupid, I don't even glance anymore, its all leftist biased *****.