Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
get rid of the one sided news
Anonymous commented
Post some positive news. Our country has the lowest unemployment in history, and the economy is the best its ever been. The DOW is breaking records. There are states that are actually trying to save babies from being cut to pieces by democRat drs. Post some good, and stop the biasedness......
Anonymous commented
Cohen's testimony was a big nothing burger circus. If that's all you got, you got nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a pathetic bunch. YOU all must really be scared that Trump will be re-elected in '20. Shake in your boots!
Anonymous commented
I'm not sure "marred this hearing" is really an appropriate explanation for this democrat created circus. NEVER in congressional history has anyone paraded a confessed liar and used him for what you see as political gain. YOU democrat leaders and the press are stooping to new lows just because of your blind hate for all things Trump.
Anonymous commented
Stop picking on President Trump! Every article posted on AOL is negative toward him and I'm sick of it. Never a mention of the good he is doing for the American people.
Nicola commented
Imbalance in coverage of Donald Trump, negative news prevails far beyond standard. USA-Korean Summit is pushed in the background - unbelievable! No wonder, the President does not trust the media.
Anonymous commented
your news aboust president trump and his family are really annoying I will honestly will cut AOL
Gary commented
The AOL News headlines are a joke. All attacking the President. You are so unfair and have an agenda that more Americans disagree with than agree with. There are plenty of good things President Trump has done and you mention none of them. Don't worry, we know about the good things without the need for someone like AOL to remind us of them, and we will never forget them, or your bias.
Gary commented
Anonymous commented
Spare me for all these liberal anti-Trump stories
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
See above.
Anonymous commented
Post your news in a non-political fashion. Perhaps hire a conservative to review what you think is non-political. I suspect that you don't realize how political you really are.
Rob commented
Every time I go to AOL's homepage to access my mail I am greeted with a new "How can we make Trump look bad" article front and center. This is the reason our country is so divided is because of people posting things like this. Find some real news to report on and make this world a little more enjoyable to live in rather than dwelling over politics and focusing on the agenda of how to make Trump look bad every day. I remember when AOL used to be enjoyable to read on and catch up on world topics but now it's all just a political agenda. Very sad and unprofessional.
Phyllis Oliver commented
Stop all the lies being posted here about our president. He is doing an awesome jb protecting us and keeping our country safe
j commented
Trump and " Unwanted Kissing" is today's relevant news by your shallow objectives. The Atlantic Mag wrote that Trump overestimated his inaugural crowd ( and nothing else ) for an article about Impeachment.
You are leading Americans to believe that politics is a mud slinging event instead of long- term nation building. The media sells hate potions for anyone stupid enough to drink it blindly. -
ELLEN SABIN commented
constant negative reporting regarding president trump
Anonymous commented
I have been a member for ore that twenty years and considering to cancel out! AOL needs to stay out of politics,, to far to the left, be fair and balanced
Billy commented
AOL is going was bad and is going downhill by the minute , it appears that you are run now by SMUG arrogant Entitled leftest brats who need a SERIOUS lesson in humility , Until then I want my right to FREE SPEECH being an AOL user for over 20 YEARS !!!!
Posts blocked , Pages frozen , calling people Trolls when they disagree with the LEFTEST Liberal Idealism , AOL look in the mirror and access the situation because it is DOWNRIGHT disgusting!!! -
Billy commented
By being just and fare and not just leaning towards your Leftest ideas by treating people like sheep , We are not dumb , in fact we are highly intelligent and see right through this , blocking or freezing pages of people who dont agree with your leftest idealism is pathetic and downright DISGUSTING , May I remind you MOST of your users have had AOL for MANY years and stuck with them and are most likely CONSERVATIVES like myself --- FREE SPEECH is for ALL not just Democrats