Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

Anonymous commented
Why is AOL news content so biased against conservatives?
Anonymous commented
Why are you so biased against conservatives?
RitaFz commented
I am so tired of every time I open AOL there is a negative report about MY! President. Stop being so biased.
Anonymous commented
mark giordano commented
Hillary Clinton lives a lie and is a big joke!
mark giordano commented
Anything that Hilary Clinton says for low income or por american. How things should be run. Is laughable!
Anonymous commented
AOL has a fixation on Chelsea Clinton, who has hinted that she may enter politics. Just like her parents, she has been paid lots of money for being incompetent, namely with the mis-named Clinton charitable foundation. The public is sick of ALL the Clintons. Note Chelsea's purported remarks are probably just from her PR firm; she's not very bright.
Michael Nemec commented
Stop posting ridiculous bad pictures of our President and start reporting "fair and balanced" content. You could consider it daily practice to implement professional standards on each and every news clip. This way people may come back to AOL and actually start reading your news again.
Jim commented
Liberal news feeds, Ugh!
Surething commented
I consider myself an "independent" but your fully LEFT views and articles may be ending our relationship will AOL.
Anonymous commented
As usual, AOL with HuffPost got it wrong with its eagerness to blame Trump and/or Trump supporters for an alleged crime, which AOL, with HuffPost, apparently, incorrectly reported the matter and affixed blame. When will AOL realize that HuffPost is too biased to ever be considered a "news" source?! I've had 20 different people tell me they're never reading any of AOL's "news" stories again!
Anonymous commented
And you need to stop. I have been a member since you started. My username is ******** and I am 35 years old. That's a long time to have the same email. I will change it. Your articles are very biased and one sided. They scream FAKE NEWS. Be honest, for a change. Speak of the BOOMING economy, peace with China, thousands upon thousands of jobs for all ethnic groups and colors. Talk about the TRUTH.
Anonymous commented
you need a modulator /screener for trump live,its bad
Anonymous commented
Stop being the tool of the socialist Idiots in DC> Its like you are not even trying to hide it.
John S. Phillips Sr commented
I'm tired of your Trump bashing. Not everybody agrees with what he says or does, but there is not a day goes by that you aren't bashing him. Since AOL is Verizon's email provider now, it looks like I need to find another service for phone and email.
j commented
Trump will be remembered for centuries because he is trying to repair problems other presidents avoided. Take NATO, BILLIONS SAVED ! The Southern border is truly is seen as a Democratic Party base builder of bowing , grateful people voting for all the freebies they got for decades. There are 800,000 cases on the docket of immigrants who never show and lack of judges. Now, who is building a ***** community? ONLY THE COTTON IS MISSING.
Anonymous commented
Why can’t AOL report the news unbiased and not always against President Trump. Your reporting by your staff thinks that this is how most Americans think, and they are so wrong. Give him some credit for what he has done and is trying to do. This is probably going on deaf ears, and AOL will continue its unfair reporting as usual. It still feels good typing this. Looking forward to another 4 yrs of President Trump ?
gina boss commented
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said President Trump is a "Stupid Thug" on at least two occasions in January.
Anonymous commented
The special counsel found no evidence of collusion, but your first article is that Maniford lied to investigators? Your news feed is so obviously biased and full of click bait.. really, how much longer do you think your customers are going to put up with this?
Anonymous commented
It's a little LATE for YOU the press and the rest of your leftist buddies, to say what we knew from the very first. YOU @$$e$ tarred and feathered them because the group were at a RIGHT TO LIFE march (better than the idiots in new york who cheered at the prospect of infanticide) and, worse yet, they had MAGA hats on. YOU make me want to PUKE!