Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

Hitler and Mussolini were socialist, in case you have forgotten. Venezuela is a socialist country, how is that working out? You post flattering stuff on Ocasio-Cortez, but bad things about President Trump! You don't realize wht you are doing to this country. when the dems start taking 70%-90% of your pay check maybe you guys will get it. You news is 95% negative on our country!
Susan Thomas commented
I’ve been a paying member for almost 30 years. I hate to see the politics in your newsfeed. They are always slanted.
Anonymous commented
You're selling the country out. Making money off of harassing the President is contemptible. You are a brother to the one who destroys.
A companion to destruction. A curse is on you. -
Anonymous commented
If a democrat engages in ****** harassment it is an "inappropriate encounter, if a republican does the exact same thing, it's ****** harassment. This is why we love to hate yours and the rest of the media's news reporting. And there's NEVER an outright apology on YOUR part, it's a circuitous explanation that leads one to believe there "might have" been a misunderstanding of the facts that led to "a false conclusion". You people are sickening.
Anonymous commented
cnn and their pundits' hate for everything R or conservative "mistakenly" labeled the governor a republican. These pundits are your friends and consorts! But, we can't really say they or YOU really report accurate news; biased, yes, fake, yes, but just pure daily garbage.
Ron Romine commented
Being "apolitical" You should be !
Anonymous commented
As usual, Elizabeth Warren and Democrats will pull any ridiculous stunt to garner attention! Why should federal workers be provided a day for voting when there is ample time to vote early or to vote after work like most citizens. As usual Warren is out of step, as her announced run for president, with the public! Even MA is losing interest in her
John Trahey commented
I noticed the headline on the Paul Rand settlement didn't mention that he was attacked by his liberal neighbor. The attack was politically driven and I am sure if the rolls were reversed the political affiliation of the attacker would have been high lighted. The only news you ever report is leftist and there is never anything positive about the republican party. Please stop being politically bias and try to be profession, who now's telling the truth could be a good for AOL.
Anonymous commented
News articles NEED to be honestly balanced, otherwise it's not news, it's biased ****. You can't pretend you already do this... I've been a paying AOL'er (Lord knows why!) for about 25 years - probably longer than most of your employees - so I know. And allow open comments, for crying out loud.
Anonymous commented
More balanced new feed or wave me goodbye. You're moving farther and farther to the left and I've had it!
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the news on - it is a bunch of leftist swill and it is very disturbing to me and my beliefs
Anonymous commented
If you were interested in real news, your number 1 headline would be,
Kamila Harris promises same lies that obama did. The same old BS about health insurance. Even the challenger from starbucks, who came from nothing and knows finances, poo pooed her BS. You people would like to ruin the country on promises that can't be fulfilled by STUPID politicians. Trump has fulfilled all the promises that haven't been stonewalled by YOU idiots. He has waved the "**********" that obama talked about. -
Anonymous commented
Nancy Pelosi won't be so powerful when a Pandemic heads up the Southern Coast of California. She will be in devastation as will the country. There have been recent disturbing reports of major diseases and illnesses (Washington Examiner), and there is a real possibility of a Pandemic. Watch Out country and watch out United States. Democrats had better get a Wall funding passed ASAP or face consequences.
Anonymous commented
Ahole Oblivious Liberals
Anonymous commented
This news item didn't get much coverage from YOU, but in the state of new york it is now legal to kill a person the day before they are born. The pathetic thing is that there was a standing ovation in the capitol building when this bill was passed. And YOU accuse conservatives of being Hitler or Stalin. You should be ashamed, but YOU are not. This is what you have worked for ever since Roe vs Wade. And that is the Truth.
Anonymous commented
You mean Trump attacked someone like you and all the democrats attack him every minute of every day?
Michael Nemec commented
Forget about reporting anti American daily news. This country has a lot of good happening but you don't seem to see any of it?
Bob commented
A positive story or two about the President.
Anonymous commented
AOL is very one-sided and biased in your reporting. You are becoming Fake News!!
Cathy Copeland commented
Talk about bias! Even on this feedback forum, you disallow readers from "voting," AND the only available option is to report the comment as inappropriate." You are a joke.