Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
deplorable 1 commented
Time for fake news to come to a disgraced end, after this week of terrible fake news from the likes of buzzfeed, yahoo and huffpo, I think it is time to say goodbye to the rags of liberal politics. I heard fox news is hiring. Good ridding to your liberal excuse for identity politics. #solongsuckers
Anonymous commented
Stop putting trump in the toilet I was a dem but after all this BS I am voting Republican next time It can backfire on you
mark giordano commented
May change page, Your stories are so negative and Bashing to a presient. We are all disgusted by your lack of story ideas and topics!!! BORING!!!!!
mark giordano commented
Who is choosing these topic, a CHIMP? Wake up, we all want better Journalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Socialism only works in 2 places. Heaven, where they don't need it and ****, where they already have it.
Your liberal biased propaganda is incredibly disgusting. It's not America online. It's communist agenda online. -
Anonymous commented
Sick of you guys being biased all of the news sources are all pulling negative things about Trump but he has way more positive things he's doing for our country also every time I turn on the TV at 9 and watch these stupid late night shows the first picture I see is Trump and they're always making fun of him I never saw them doing this to Hillary or Obama when they've done ten times more worse things for our country there extremely corrupt politicians that made their fortunes through the corrupt political system at least Trump is an outsider non corrupt government independent citizen that crushed all the evil corrupt politicians and became president this is why he became president the American people are sick and tired of our government not caring about the American people get it right AOL and all your news sources
SIA commented
Anonymous commented
We KNEW when Trump announced one more chance for the democrats, that the headline would be that Trump caved. YOU ARE SOOOOOOO
Anonymous commented
Isn't bloomberg the one that the "ladies" of the View just accused of ruining New York? Hmmmm. I hardly think he's the one to judge Trump....
Anonymous commented
Stop publishing outright lies. Issue retractions for your defamatory and racist articles on the Covington teens.
Anonymous commented
Try making your news clips a little less "left" oriented- in fact a LOT less left oriented!!!
Kelly McMaster commented
Trump is a thug and it Takes a Thug to Deal With a Thug
Kelly McMaster
Other than with Vladimir Putin, Mr. Trump plays the bully and the thug with almost everyone. It takes thugs to beat a thug. Our civilized leadership may be a handicap when confronting thugs and cutthroats on the national stage.
It’s time for our elected officials to assault Mr. Trump where it will hurt. -
mike cotton commented
Trump Is Powerless
Mike Cotton
While the elitist media focus on President Donald J. Trump's numerous crudities, ruderies and knowledge gaperies, I can see him for his true self.
Donald Trump is chained, handcuffed, bound, made increasingly powerless.
Is it a Democratic House that has chained him so? Yes.
Trump is bound, not by legislative bodies, but by parties; not by evil witch-women in pantsuits, but by the Constitution, the courts and the laws.
He tried to make everybody named "Muhammad" go home, but as soon as he tried to do the right thing, some musty old judge starting waving a copy of that foolish old Constitution. He tried like **** to fix health care, but his idea had to be discussed and criticized and voted on until it died of shame.
The press does stories on his son's 52 minutes in heaven with the Russians, and all Trump can do is tweet. He said he'd put Clinton in jail, but he can't because, once again, there's some old judge with a copy of some old, ragged piece of paper.
But what if he could just incarcerate Clinton, close all the newspapers and have all the Muslims rounded up and shipped somewhere? What if he could order everyone to say "Merry Christmas" this year and not "Happy holidays"? What if he could lock you up for refusing to say "Merry Christmas"?
That would get stuff done, and fast.
It's just a matter of time until some drooling theologian of the right suggests that Trump needs MORE power, that he can't reverse America's decline without "extraordinary powers" and perhaps a "temporary" suspension of the Constitution.
"Trump needs extraordinary powers, just for a little while," they'll tell us. "How do you expect him to get anything done with Democrats, and the press and traitors all biting at his heels?
"Just give us your rights for a little while," they'll say. "We'll give 'em right back. We promise."
And we will, in a close national vote.
There will be riots, but they'll stop after the National Guard fires the second or third volley, and the dying squirm in the street. -
Be balanced with your news. Its so obvious your coverage leans severely left.
Thomas Meagher commented
(Wear a red hat and foam at the mouth while shouting the reply)
Who is paying for the useless border wall? Vulgar liar Trump supporters and Federal Government Employees!! -
Thomas Meagher commented
Mattis quit because Trump is in Putin s pocket. Putin ordered Trump to shut down government.
Anonymous commented
The entire premise of this article is sick! It is Nathan Phillips if anybody who
should be apolgizing! Liberals are truly touched by an alternative universe! -
Anonymous commented
Stop your bias sound like you support socialism
Smiley commented
START BEING BIPARTISAN AND ONLY REPORT THE REAL NEWS AND NOT NEWS THAT WILL FIT YOUR AGENDA. Be a reporter and report news. There are many Trump supporters that stand behind him on this wall and many non Trump supporters that stand behind him on this wall. We blame the Democrats! If they agreed to it with Obama there is no reason that they can't do it now. It shows they hate Trump more than they want to help and work for Americans. #StopPayingCongress #Congressshouldnotgetpaychecks
Anonymous commented
Show some respect. It isn't Donald, its President Trump. Stop being so dann liberal.