Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Paul Rogers commented
Please balance your news presentations. Also, don't include as news the articles where HuffPosts journalists act as if they are issuing decrees rather than reporting news. Give facts, not long editorials posing as news.
Anonymous commented
You should be celebrating the Judge Kavanaugh selection! If it was the other way, you certainly would be. The media is so biased against regular, conservative citizens, The way you portray them, you'd think we were so intolerant, stupid and prejudiced but the liberals are proving that they are, they can't tolerate any ideas or discussion that doesn't agree with their agenda.
Anonymous commented
Your opening page is a quintessential example of Fake, BS, Leftist Propaganda! Like your service in general - it caters to the simple minds and I'm sorry I ever got caught up in your "service". On the other hand, the occasional reading of your "News" comments keeps me up to date on what ignorant simpleton fools are "thinking". You wish to improve? Put an intelligent American Patriot on your "News" Staff!
Anonymous commented
How come your top story ISN'T on how well the President has done on our economy? It's at a 50 year low and nothing but crickets!! You are way to bias!
Anonymous commented, The headlines presented a false narrative of the reason for the actions of the officer. This had nothing to do with race. It has to do with getting control and keeping every one safe. Tossing in the false race card only cause hate.
Anonymous commented
You can't hide the fact that one of the leaders of the "DC paid for protests" is a big PLO supporter. YOU all keep good company,terrorist supporters and Billionaire Trump haters. What you don't realize is you have woken up the sleeping giant. Many women have been sexually abused, but I have heard many who resent what you, the democrats and the rest of the press have tried to do to Cavanaugh. You have tried to destroy an innocent man and his family for political purposes. That is worse than despicable! And you will highly likely suffer in November and in 2020.
Anthony commented
Why don't you stop loading up your news with lefty gibberish. Grow up and show some balanced reporting
Pat Blackman commented
Stop expressing your political bias. We are not stupid and know exactly what you are doing as soon as we sign in......
Pat Blackman commented
An American against political bias
Anonymous commented
Why don't you remove your political bias and try doing what liberals always say they have but never show it, an open mind. The liberal theology, because it is your god, has shown that it degrades women, abuses children and completely undermines the Democratic Republic of the United States of America. The democratic party is a fake and anyone who is open minded and respectful of individuals can clearly see that and will openly vote to remove the remnants that remain in power 1 by 1.
Anonymous commented
Many times, it is what is not reported in a story. The timing of nyt story says volumes. It says the Cavanaugh caper is over. It says the Mueller "inquisition" is over. Every week it's something new. YOU and your buddies have milked this fake russia story for almost 2 years. What despicable caper comes next?
Anonymous commented
Trump was just stating the obvious. Trump was willing to hear Ford, but now her inconsistencies and even lies are coming out. So stop displaying FAKE outrage for someone stating the obvious. Do bears **** in the woods? If it quacks like a duck.........
Anonymous commented
With the three accusers being disproved. the democrats are now throwing out everything they can. The nbc interview was pathetic. And now Christine's testimony is being torn apart every day, with more and more inconsistencies. And there's Soros paying protesters. This has to stop! I've just been through middle America and the people out here in the real world are SICK of this spectacle! But keep it up at least until November.......
Anonymous commented
You're just the rest of the mainstream media. Obviously, left beliefs. All of your stories are anti-republican, anti-Trump. How about publishing a positive story once in a while on the conservative side.
Nick commented
get off your political liberal bias. This media group think has become extremely irritating with the headlines you put out there. Believe me, Americans really don't think like your so called journalists do.
Anonymous commented
The democrats will be in a predicament when the fbi wraps up it's report with NO credible evidence. How interesting the narrative has become. The fbi has been the "darling" of the democrats through the Trump "investigation" with YOUR help. And now they will bash the fbi for not being thorough enough. YOU and the dems always want it both ways. How pathetically transparent you are. A cnn reporter summed it all up. She couldn't believe that all this garbage hasn't soured the Republican voters against Cavanaugh OR Trump. It has only served to energize them.
Joey Rizk commented
Your Trump hate act has gotten very old. Please stop before I have to start using gmail.
AL commented
Just STOP with all the negative & fake news about President TRUMP!!!!
Jon Bowden commented
And fake news ads are really annoying. makes me less likely to purchase the product in question.
DM commented
Your news headlines are highly politically biased, have the decency to provide balanced and neutral titles in your home page. I did not choose AOL, Verizon email dumped me here.