Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

wade c mackey commented
After you trashed/slimed Kavanaugh, I do hope you felt a need for a shower
Anonymous commented
Find some honest journalism, quoting fools and idiots like tomi lehren is no more than a cop-out. She's an idiot, and if you can't do better writing than that you need to go back to selling used cars!!
Anonymous commented
Be more rational in your political comments. Both parties have issues, but you, like most of the media, come down on republicans and Trump almost 100% of the time. Criticize hussein obama for his current lies, which are worse than his lies during his 8 years, give credit to Trump for the economy, lowest unemployment rate for minorities, NATO accomplishments, etc. I'm sure my AOL account will now suffer, but I am looking to get away from AOL!
fake news .
PAT TOBIASEN commented
Take that insulting picture of a grinning President Trump off my AOL sign in page, Do NOT put any more pictures of Hanoi Jane on the AOL page. Young Soldiers were punished and died because she gave notes that they passed to her that were supposed to go home, to the Vietgong. Brothers, husbands, nephews, aunts were lost because of her.
Anonymous commented
YOU and the democrats must be really afraid that Cavanaugh will be confirmed. I've never seen the garbage that the media and the dems have put out. Maybe there is some credible explanation for the "accuser". I suspect the event happened but Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it. The democrats are willing to sacrifice two people in this controversy. Cavanaugh AND his accuser. I haven't seen anything about the Texas special election in the liberal media. This "white guy" won in a district that is 73% black and hispanic! This must put a lot of fear in YOU and the dems. So much for all you polls and predictions and a blue wave.......
Anonymous commented
How about reporting on the Stock Market ? Too much anti-Trump - I guess that's why -
Anonymous commented
How about reporting on the Stock Market ? Too much anti-Trump - I guess that's why -
CHAD commented
If you are going to report news, how about an unbiased view of the news instead of continued op-ed that is only someones bs opinion. You ever stop to think why noone uses aol anymore? it is because google does not post this bs on their front page. Every time i open aol, there is a new bs post from the huffpost. The huffpost has long since lost credibility. Unless you change the way you deliver "news" and stop with the left leaning liberal ideology, you are going to continue to lose people and AOL will fall into the abyss of yahoo! Ironically i go to school with milennials and they dont even know what aol is! generation x and older are the ones who actually use your **** and you are trying very hard to push them away! me being one of them. Every day the front page is trump this or that, or something related to trump in a negative way...Never did see this with Obama now did we? either change or i and all of my extended family as well will be part of your mass exodus!
Jay Brown commented
Give us some real choices for the performance survey to include "Bad", "Terrible", "Traitorous", or "worst ever" as possible suggestions. I am deeply offended when that pops up on my screen at home. Give me some choices I can select or take the dratted thing down.
David Ellsworth commented
Be more objective instead of a propaganda arm of the democrat party. There's a fresh idea.
Anonymous commented
If you like to push democtrats agenda make a aol for Republicans too. All your news are either repeats or against our current president. Its basicall y has become useless information. Also your site has too many things that slows computers down , please limit the ads
ELLEN SABIN commented
misleading info if it diminishes trump
DAVID KOSSOW commented
This site is a joke......and the bias is nauseating.
D. Nolasco commented
Your political coverage is biased, often petty & mean-spirited. Not all of your subscribers are liberal. Unless the taxpayer is footing the bill, it does not matter how much Melania Trump's clothing costs. If you are unwilling to support this president & his administration as they work to make this country safer & more prosperous, then at least provide intelligent & unbiased editorials. Those of us who did not vote for Obama, did not behave in this manner, regardless of how much we may have disliked him & his policies.
Anonymous commented
As usual, AOL presents only one side of an issue. In this instance, you have printed the story of a biased California Democrat, whose narrative has been rebutted both by Judge Kavanaugh and by the other individual she named as being in the room at the time of the alleged occurrence, but did not print the reubuttals! Also, you neglect to report supporting letters from more than 60 other women, who support the judge and who have known him not only at the time of this alleged incident, but also for more than 30 years. It's no wonder AOL with its continued biased reporting is fading into non-existence!
Anonymous commented
Offer news stories that are true and not limited to Trump bashing!!!! I pay for this service and do not appreciate this take CONSTANTLY! Be fair, come on now...
KEITH LEPAK commented
AOL dirty biased underwear shows again, daily recurrence--Go Figure !
Anonymous commented
Oh how times have changed in America!
The free press is now the eyes and ears of the Democrat party’s full court press of lies, deceit and obstruction at any cost!
Aol. Google, Yahoo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, are behaving like an anti-American, treasonous arm of the Democrat Party. Proof?
Any time you look at a home page, front page, editorial, opening monologue, opening story line at these institutions, they are always negative, negative, negative towards our President Donald J. Trump, his agenda, and his staff. To witness such betrayal, to witness this type of unhelpful, sick, “Judas” like acts is disappointing to say the least, and extremely dangerous to say the most. For these entities to continue to stick their proverbial nose up at the truth, and instead continue to perpetuate lies, propaganda, vengeance, violence, distain for their country in which they call home and fellow Americans, and act in such ways that are immoral and unethical, is just simply unfortunate, and very, very dangerous.
The American citizen, the taxpayer, the customer, the friend, the investor, the user, trusted that these entities would uphold the truth, and display a set of values that were in line with the historical, virtuous idealism and practice of 100’s of years of free press in America. Instead of seeking truth, they now argue point of view and spew outright falsehoods to assist the liberal agenda of the Democrat Party.
To those who are still being misled by these “evil doers”, beware. When your children reach an age when they realize you, their parents, supported and were led by this type of immoral, unethical behavior, those kids will modal you, and lie, bend the truth to fit their narrative, and seek alternative ways to ignore the truth so as to get their way. After all folks, the apples don’t fall far from the tree!
In closing I want to say that I care about all Americans, and respect all the diverse views folks have whether I agree with them or not. All I ask is that we work harder to regain a virtuous life that puts truth and understanding ahead of personal gain.
An average citizen
Anonymous commented
Stop your bias, your news bias, and your advertisers bias on our President Donald J. Trump!