Why Don't you get rid of this constant old news go back to an AOL that worked
Drop the old news period why do we have to be subjected to a torture by looking at the same stuff over and over

Anonymous commented
You may want to update your news otherwise people will take you as inaccurate and unfactual CNN... you announced the news of the Presidents economic score card...............
YOur facts were dated April.................. Its Actually August, Which makes all your facts inaccurate .. Dont you have a editor to catch this?
Anonymous commented
Why has the article about Megan Rapinoe not wanting to go to the Whitehouse still up on your news page (for weeks)? It didn't deserve even one day!
jay L commented
Just about every other day there is at least one link on the first page of your website to a page which tracks our President's track record against the promises he made while campaigning. The page hasn't been updated in two years. Given AOL portrays itself as a professional news organization, how could it not update the page it regularly provides a link to? Either the managers of your website are incompetent for not thinking to update the page for over two years, or its being done intentionally in order to try to keep your viewers from knowing all the things our President has accomplished. The latter of explanation of course isn't true because AOL is a non-biased news source. So I guess that means the editors of your website are incompetent. I would therefore suggest you add to your staff experienced industry professionals able to properly manage the content on your web pages and not rely on the amateurs that are unable to do so. When you come across such information which is so obviously inaccurate, it casts doubt on the credibility at your entire news programming.
Anonymous commented
update and change your news.. u repeate old and outdated news time and time again. Don't you editors have any imagination? What's wrong with you. It makes you look "outdated."
Anonymous commented
Just because AOL wants to include 81 flips of "news" every day is no reason for this constant repetition of the same stories over and over, sometimes for weeks!!! Admittedly, Yahoo and HuffPost are not good sources for news, but you could attempt other sources, of just have varied items every day!!! I'm a LONG-TIME customer and am tired of the same old **** every day.
Anonymous commented
My god quit running old news! As in this one from Dec 8th 2017! "Delta has a new baggage fee"
Sandi commented
Change main news feeds more often on weekends. Most stories are old or repeated.
Anonymous commented
How about some fresh news? Same **** over and over. Should have new articles every 24 hours.
Bill Gotfryd commented
Concentrate on processing email. Fix that and we can wait for your act on the very old news that you post.
anonymous commented
Tired of the biased opinions being put out as news on AOL. Every time I access my email I'm bombarded by negative, biased, opinions that are supposed to pass as news. A lot of us feel this way. Time to find a new source of writers who can report news and not biased opinion.
Sue commented
Stop your opinions. Stick to actual news. One sided snids are pathetic and getting old.
Y saltzman commented
PLEASE stop showing so called NEWS that we read months, even a year ago.
Also don't care whose dress was see-thru or made jaws drop, yadda, yadda, yadda.
More relevant news would be nice - there wasn't a word about Russian planes invading air space. -
Jörg Schlette commented
Seit Wochen wird nur der "Mueller-Bericht über Trump angezeigt!!!
Steven Bergman commented
AOL has become horrible, all we read in the headlines are the same stories over and over again! You don't have to have the same story from three months ago or a year ago to make your top 75 headlines. You totally ignore any pro sports team or league that is not on the East or West coast or from Chicago and Dallas, shame on you, this is my last time reading AOL, I'll go back to MSN, Yahoo, and Google!! Also I do not have to see about why Jimmy Fallon shut his show down about something that happened over a year ago over and over and over again!!
L K commented
No more repeats!!! Get to the point faster when posting a story!!
Anonymous commented
After reading anti Trump articles in which no one really cares about over and over and over again, AOL has done two things. 1) I no longer use them as my home page and 2) They have switched me to the Republican party.
Lynn E Baldwin commented
I have always looked at your news. Recently there are a LOT of repeats and advertisements. BORING!!! Really disappointed in the content. We PAY for this service & get GARBAGE.
Lynn E Baldwin commented
I have always looked at your news. Recently there are a LOT of repeats and advertisements. BORING!!! Really disappointed in the content. We PAY for this service & get GARBAGE.
Preston Hardy commented
AOL's constant reposting of outdated news articles has made this a place I can no longer come for current news.
Allan Jones commented
Cut back on your 81 highlights daily...there are not enough to go around...maybe 30 might be good...all these daily repeating stories...and why do anything on the limeys...I care not a wit about these pompous people...the same goes for the Kardashian’s...again who cares...also stop the trump bashing...well I will go now and you can look forward to my next review on June 1st...I do not think I will see any improvement or you following any of the 100s of suggestions previously reported...good luck...