Why Don't you get rid of this constant old news go back to an AOL that worked
Drop the old news period why do we have to be subjected to a torture by looking at the same stuff over and over

John commented
The HuffPost is getting out of hand. Putting up the same story in two different places does not make it "news". Also, you are successfully boring everyone with Megan Markle stories.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
You have news stories 3 months and six months old. Get rid of them. We all like current news and do not wish to read old, old, news.
Anonymous commented
Diane Taylor commented
You don't need 50 pages of news, 40 of which weren't news 6 months ago. Either provide up-to-date news without all the ridiculous ads or figure you're no longer relevant and I -- and hopefully a whole bunch of others -- will move to NPR for our news and information.
Anonymous commented
Stop running Jefferson article, over and over. Quit trying to flame racial unrest.
Sandy commented
To what it should be - As of 3/29/2019 GDP Growth is 2.2% so we have the current information
Anonymous commented
Articles months old should not still be featured as news - -especially when the info has been supersede by events.
Anonymous commented
why are you not responding to this issue? It is a waste of time to go through the stories when they are the same ones over and over and annoying as all get out.If you are not going to change this say so and we can all move on.
Anonymous commented
Go out and get up to date news items?
Try anything new!
Anonymous commented
With all the tragedy of the current flooding in Nebraska and Iowa, over 4 days not one headline mentioning this!!?? We dont care about long dead Anthony Bordain's dislike for a particular sandwich! Or who in the royal family is estranged from one another.Please be more thoughtful when choosing news stories.
Jon commented
On your home page you have a link to
but that is from 2016!. The president's proposed budget breaks more of his promises. Please update this old article!
JOHN EVANS commented
stop putting old news on this site, tired reading the same stories over and over.
JOHN EVANS commented
stop putting old news on this site, tired reading the same stories over and over.
Anonymous commented
Did it ever occur to AOL that repeating the same stories over and over on different days...and, often, the same story on the same day, might be a little much? Obviously, you've never heard of the adage about repetition and the devil's mind! There is no reason, other than laziness, for this stupid action.
Anonymous commented
stop posting the same stories over and over
Am really tired of reading same news over and over again . Please stop with the old **** and give us things really worthy of seeing. Sick of the Kardy Family, who the **** cares if they run naked all day. They need to get a life geeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
Anonymous commented
With all the stories in the world, you keep running to the same stories over and over and over again. This is boring'; I've been considering changing my home page - come on, you
re better than this - it jut shows laziness on your part. -
Paul commented
Quit putting stories on AOL that are almost a year old. This story, on AOL today is from June 2018. WTF. https://247wallst.com/special-r