I have been an AOL customer for a long time. I am tired of all the ADS. I cannot even browse without an AD interfering with my searches. Get rid of your ADS or maybe it is time for me to get rid of AOL.

Anonymous commented
When I click on one of the stories that scroll across the desktop, there are WAY too many ads that pop up. They overload my computer and they cover half the article. I'd really like to read some of them, but get so frustrated after a few times hitting "NEXT PAGE" having the computer freeze and not being able to read it without closing ads that cover it, I have to close it down. Get these ads under control!!! I pay for my AOL.
Anonymous commented
Stop taking advertising money from scam artists and start caring about your subscribers.
Anonymous commented
Add missing 0 to 224,00[0] in paragraph before picture in
Anonymous commented
Beyond aggravating to be reading an article and suddenly these "sounds/voices" pop up (many times hidden behind articles. When i can't find source of NOISE I am forced to just SHUT DOWN AOL
Spell Checker commented
Most social media platforms give users the options of blocking advertising that does not apply to them or they find uninteresting /offensive. You should adopt that on AOL Your users will be happier and your advertisers too since they won't be paying for ads to go out to people who will never buy their products.
Anonymous commented
stop the delays, less ads or minimize their screen presence, have topics start with initial question, not 15 topics later
Anonymous commented
Help me remove your pop up ad"s!!!
Anonymous commented
I have had an AOL account for over 20 years. I find the MAGA ads offensive. I know the ads are paid for by the republican committee but even so there should no place for them as part of your daily line up. I find them to be offensive and it makes me consider giving up my subscription after all this time.
Anonymous commented
Block the dang ads or I am gone
Zach commented
Tired of the unprofessional approach to reporting the news. You recycle so much old news, it's criminal ! You all must be part of the deep state for sure. FAIRNESS FAIRNESS FAIRNESS....that's all we ask for.
stop accepting false advertizing and check the facts first
you are allowing a false ad that Jay Leno is married to a man, when in fact he is married to a woman & this is false advertizing and you know it is when you allow it to be posted on pages of news feeds
Marvin Rubin commented
Limit the popups!
Hal Godwin commented
no dating ads Please .......why can't I install an out going address ? on my email page ?
Steve Swartz commented
You really need to seek professional help.
And get a real job that contributes something meaningful to society. A paid troll for sociofascist oppressors is no way to earn a living.
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the ads at the top of my mailboxes and the ones at completion of some actions. THIS IS NO WAY to treat paying customer!!! AND A LONG-TIME ONE AT THAT!!! This is going to be a deal-breaker for me staying with AOL it is so irritating.
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the ads at the top of my mailboxes and the ones at completion of some actions. THIS IS NO WAY to treat paying customer!!! AND A LONG-TIME ONE AT THAT!!! This is going to be a deal-breaker for me staying with AOL it is so irritating.
Anonymous commented
I am beyond shocked!
You have no decency. -
Dan Rund commented
I do not wish to see future advertisements for Donald Trump, his family, his presidency AND/OR his re-election bid.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
check out the AOL advertisers. Blaux is a fraud and AOL needs to do due diligence on the firms they advertise