I have been an AOL customer for a long time. I am tired of all the ADS. I cannot even browse without an AD interfering with my searches. Get rid of your ADS or maybe it is time for me to get rid of AOL.
Harvey Pachter commented
It is also inconvenient to read many articles in which you have to scroll down to get the next page while scrolling is laden with ads and other options..What happened to writing an article on one page????
Harvey Pachter commented
Allow us to read the huffington news items without ads ru nning through the article AND I MEAN THROUGH THE ARTICLE
mark giordano commented
Make it simple, I do not want ads! If I want an doctor real estate person, cream, car, etc. I will look it up myself!!!! It is making me want to STOP using this site!!!!
Anonymous commented
Why do you continue to send Ads when I am Not interested in any of them. If I were your POPs would not be what I would use. They're a VERY big bothersome part of AOL. You probably received a compensation of some kind for them--I DO NOT care or want the Ads that all.
Anonymous commented
Ads in AOL from "" are bogus, purporting to report the death of celebrities, e.g., Kelly Ripa, George Stephanopoulos. AOL should be aware that foreign money is flooding into the U.S. to affect national politics. Stop these ads.
Anonymous commented
We had no control when our E-Mail was transferred from Verizon to aol (we've had the same E-Mail for about 15 years). I'll never understand why companies do not strive to cater to all of their customers and not just some.
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
Every time I go on AOL welcome screen BIG LARGE ADD COMES ON TOP OF WELCOME SCREEN. HAVE TO LOWER IT EVERY TIME I go on next welcome screen news.
Ann commented
With your regular contributors (Honest to Paws, for example), and also on the home page, I'm so tired of having ads pop in just when I'm getting ready to hit "next page" button, which then sends me to an ad that I'm not interested in. I don't know why you can't just put the story on one page without "next page" always present. I don't always have the time to flip through countless pages (at your timing) to review a story. I normally end up exiting the story completely in frustration.
Lorraine Milius commented
Could not find a write in complaint department. Have AOL News, Weather as my default page when I click on Internet Explorer.
Today, 10-1-18, have ad from TIAA which could not be deleted.
Person from your tech department couldn't do it. I would have to pay
an additional 4.99/mo. for ad free AOL mail. I'm 88 yrs of age and can't afford that luxury just to get rid of one ad. I clicked on the ad to see whether after looking at it, I could delete it. No luck--it's still there.
I've called TIAA to register a complaint. They referred me back to AOL.
I've had AOL service for many years. Please do not force your clients
to look at specific ads and not be able to delete them
Lorraine Milius -
Anonymous commented
No one buy anything from the adds get rid of them
Anonymous commented
Aol need to get rid of all the adds I hate them
Anonymous commented
Agree agree agree. Have actually thought of giving up on AOL after many years. Plus rehas the same tired stories over and over
Anonymous commented
STOP WITH ALL THE **** ADS!!!!!!!!!!!
Lindamermaid commented
Cut the slideshows without an ad in front of every slide. Are you really that broke that you need that many ads?
Lindsay commented
I have been on AOL since the early 90's and still it is my home page. But, I hate the little pop-up movies about a dog doing stupid stuff and the like. I don't care that the goat loves its' owner. I don't care about an idiot rescuing a bear that will eat him in next week's film. I don't care about Prince Harry and what everyone else thinks about him either. These things eat away at my RAM and slows my browsing experience down. Stop the movies, I can read. And please loose Boredom Therapy, put it all on one page and let me go on with my life.
steve snider commented
Anonymous commented
Your pop-up ads have forced me to stop using AOL
Anonymous commented
This describes the problem. AOL is allowing advertising from sources that embedded this pop up in their ad. They need to get rid of these shady advertisers otherwise Ill be switching to a new mail server.
Anonymous commented
Stop using an ad that has no pause or mute button on it. I don't want an ad blarring at me and no way to stop it except muting my entire system!!! I know that ads is how you are making money, but if you **** off the users, do you still make money without an audience to show the ads to.
Anonymous commented
Stop that liberal progressive insurance ad