I have been an AOL customer for a long time. I am tired of all the ADS. I cannot even browse without an AD interfering with my searches. Get rid of your ADS or maybe it is time for me to get rid of AOL.
Anonymous commented
get rid of all the ads and pop ups and way u break storys up into page after page of ads every single person I know avoids aol because of this I only visit as I have used it sinc ei have been online 15 plus years...u have ruined the site whoring out to advertisements
Anonymous commented
Going to go elsewhere if these Ads don't STOP!!
Anonymous commented
You have been told and told, we don't want the expanding popup ads on the Welcome Page and especially those by Progressive Insurance. Progressive already annoys us enough with their relentless repetitious TV ads daily and we don't need to be annoyed more by your desperate bottom feeders. Is AOL that desperate to make a buck that you don't give a **** about your members? AOL needs to start showing some respect and consideration towards us members NOW!
You need to get rid of your whole Marketing team as they are doing their best to annoy us with all the new advertising which appears all over your website including our mail.
We shouldn't have to see the same ads over and over when we go one of your sites and especially in YouTube videos. Is stupidity one of the qualifications that you seek in your Marketing Dept.? -
steve snider commented
I have been home from work I'll this past week and have spent a lot of time playing on your texas holdem on your site. It seems ridiculous to me how many consecutive times you repeat the same commercial. I have watched the pledge commercial and the teacher with the cats multiplying question hundreds of times at this point to ad nauseam. Honestly it makes me never want to buy a pledge product and I cant tell you who is the advertiser for the cats and DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. Don;t yoiu have other advertisers to rotate. Friday night I played for hours and at every commercial break it was and I know it would be again THE CATS. This is truly ridiculous.
Neil Hornor commented
For over $20 a month I deserve to have the option of no ads, no videos, no pop-ups. I feel like I'm living in a supermarket tabloid. I even find that your news is poorly edited and oriented to a non-educated reader. I have graduated to Google News for that reason.
John R Groton commented
You can sell all the ads possible, but if you have no paying customers to view them it won't take long for things to reach a justified level. Unless you return to the old format and serve us, the paying members who are sold a service we are NOT receiving, I will cancel my account. While we are discussing improvements, immediately the constant changes in format; and spend that time, energy and money to improve your rapidly failing system. Speaking of systems, AOL GOLD SUCKS! SUCKS! SUCKS! I hope you are listening !!!
Anonymous commented
I am sick of watching POP UP ads cover anything I click on. Clicking on "AD CHOICE" to stop them does not work. AOL...PAY ATTENTION...
It is like trying to relax and someone rings your door bell every few seconds and you have to answer it. If I wanted the things they were selling, I would find them myself. The more I see pop ups, the quicker I leave the site. -
Lynne Murguia commented
aol mail needs considerable upgrading !
Lynne Murguia commented
DITTO ! --- And while you're at it, if you insist on trying to provide astrological information about which you know nothing, tie to change astrologer !
Jrexmarda commented
Your site has too many animated ads. I have a broadband connection but the number of ads and the videos on every single news story slow down even scrolling to read the story. I can't operate your site unless I have three hours to kill. Also why do human interest stories have to have a button in order to read the next page with only a few words on it. It is aggravating because once again ads make the pages slow to load. Just print the thing on one page at least. Blah clean up your site already. I've been a member for 18 years and it just keeps getting more bloated. Yuck.
PAT KING commented
Limit the pop=up ads. They are driving me crazy.
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
Out with the new in with the old. Works better.
mark giordano commented
Ads are ruining face book, aol, and yahoo
mark giordano commented
Too many ads, can not get rid of them!
Larry Moore commented
Also when you go to games the same thing happens Just I click on blackjack the page jumps and get bingo above or the one below need to fix
Larry Moore commented
Stop your progressive ad from making your page keep jumping
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
More money in their pocket, and worst service you can get.
Sylvia commented
OMG I totally agree!!! I pay for AOL also and these ads and this huge ad that appears when you sign on to the home page everytime and you have to close it everytime I am so sick of these ads!!!
Also why doesn't favorites work all the time? I am so sick of trying to use it and it doesn't work. NONE OF MY FAVORITES ARE LISTED!!!!
Anonymous commented
Go back to the AOL of old, before the supposed improvement. What a sick joke!!