I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.
Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
- Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.
For more information, please view our community guidelines: http://legal.aol.com/community_guidelines/
PATRICK WANT commented
quit your fake *** site
AP commented
Violating our rights to free speech. I cant post something about Jesus Christ (in a positive light). But the articles and posts about black Entitlement and Unaccountability for their own poor statistics are rampant. Whats wrong with you AOL?
Robert Miller commented
Is this some democratic position, to only post what you feel is right?
JM commented
Quit blocking comments. It appears that your "monitors" or "moderators" have the ability to place an automatic rejection of comments made by members. Every comment I make has been rejected for over a month now. No real explanation why, just a standard violation of community guidelines, and they are so vague that anything can be blocked. I believe that you have enabled account based auto-rejection filters on member accounts. Pretty sad after having had this email address since the early to mid 90's.
Anonymous commented
the only people you let comment are paid trolls trying to start trouble
Mushman Peets commented
Stop censoring black posts and treat all people the same.
Mushman Peets commented
Give me back access to posting my thoughts and quit with your censoring of black people speaking their minds. Shameful. This is not good. This is the forth time you did this to me you racist enablers.
You allow white people to say whatever they **** well please and stifle the black voices. -
Joanne Berens commented
same here all my posts are deleted on AOL news every day for months now and I am not writing anything that offends anyone, never have, I could write "the sky is blue" and it gets deleted, guess I have to cancel my account, how sad after over 25 years
Joanne Berens commented
I am being FLAGGED as are my husband and son 3 different screen names and opinions for NO reason on AOL news, I/We don't write anything offensive and ceratianly not worse than the horrible things I see on the News posts, I can write " I agree" to a post and it is down in less than a few senconds, between this and AOL freezing up or shutting down on occasion I see no reason to be paying AOL, very upset and going to cancel my account if I don't get a response
Anonymous commented
Quit censoring general comments . I agree with making the chat rooms more civil but censoring facts or non-descript statements is ridiculous.
Liberals threaten to kill people (it happened to me) or they say crude and vile things and you let them go by.. but I use a word like INCITE and I get REJECTED.... How is that fair and equal on any scale -
Cliff Eubanks commented
1. have been AOL customer since 2005 or so
2. never banned for any reason, before now
3. never curse or threaten__stay on topic, etc.
4. I am anti-racist, which may be unpopular on your comment board
5. A bias,threatened PRO-racist monitor would block by my comments
6. I am guessing THAT is why I have been banned from commenting for a month, so far.
7. If I am no longer free to express my opinion, I will drop AOL and go elsewhere
8. Please, inform me one way or the other ASAP. Thank you -
I routinely post sources to back up my comments and those comments are now deleted by AOL as being against policy. Why is that?
Tony Notides!! commented
They allow attacks on our President, his family, and employees!! When I try to defend him and them I'm BLOCK?? No vulgar language or attacks on other AOL users....I have printed every example!!
Anonymous commented
Anyone else notice that if AOL describes someone’s comments as controversial, it’s likely a conservative? In this venomously politically correct climate, if anyone dares utter truth, it is immediately taken out of context or viciously attacked. And AOL is quick to parrot the attack!!!!!
CJ commented
Who decided I can write ***** but not K**ilt without violating community standards?
BOB VAUGHN commented
stop censoring my comments that are not foul or any pics attached,, just my opinion, because it doesn't fit you ideology.
Anonymous commented
my idea is stop blocking comments that are true- i don't post calling ppl names- just facts.. why is that a problem?
Anonymous commented
I have been unable to post comments on any of your news stories & editorials for more than a year. I would like to know if you are blocking conservative views or something needs to be fixed on your side. I like you to restore my ability to post comments anywhere or inform me of why there is a restriction for me to post. txs
Anonymous commented
Change the manner in which you decide what can post versus what can not post. It is confusing for there are posts that are inflammatory and they post. Some that are not and they are rejected.