Lose Boredom Therapy
GET RID OF BOREDOM THERAPY AND EVERYTHING LIKE IT! If I'm interested in reading a story they offer I'll google it instead. Having to go through 30 pages of them repeating the same saying over and over is ridiculous. You're losing me!

Nicholas Fidanza commented
Agree completely. Boredom therapy is a total waste of time and should be removed.
SL commented
Boredom therapy sucks! Like Lynn, I google the information as soon as a get enough. Usually, one or two boring screens will do it. The article looks interesting and then let's go back twenty years. It is nothing but a massive page of adds. Even at 100 MPS, it takes time to load. It is rare I look at any add. Boredomtherapy.com is boring!
Anonymous commented
Hate boredom therapy. It is basically click bait and of no use to anyone. Just read the headline and to to google to find a readable story. Waste of time.
Lady Pomonz commented
If I see a story on Boredom Therapy that looks as if it might be interesting, I note the names of the people involved and a few words that describe the situation (i.e., Johnny Smith + Hometown School lunch policy) then Google them. That brings up the whole story in a legit news source article WITHOUT my having to click endlessly to find out what happened when Johnny's school told Mrs. Smith to stop packing cookies in his lunch bag!
Anonymous commented
Please stop all the Boredom Therapy ****! It's a joke that I still pay you a monthly fee to keep my email. The least you could do is provide some real news or public interest stories. I am about to finally cancel my aol after 25 years.
Dear AOL: I will NOT read ANY articles where you have to go to NEXT PAGE eg Boredom therapy etc
Anonymous commented
JOE KOZLOWSKI - is the worst. Literally a liar as well as a 3rd grade writer.
beth commented
agree with all these comments aol is sad in coverage they provide the writing is horrendous and boredom therapy is the worst its a joke
Anonymous commented
I agree 100%
Charles Montgomery commented
AOL has become the online version of the National Enquirer. Most links are ****.
Peter Razza commented
You are spot on it's so bad that if I see the boredom theray tag I won't waste my time
John Galt commented
You suck and suck and suck! You are the National Enquirer of the scum interner.
Anonymous commented
Agree. Time consuming, tedious and BORING. Just google the story.
Anonymous commented
get rid of all those like Boredom therapy - waste of time
Anonymous commented
Get rid of Boredom Therapy. It is just a tease that takes too long for a page to load, then when it loads it is basically a compendium of ads. And there are so many pages that you finally just give up and X out before you get to the answer promised in the lead title. Just hate it.
John Dimier commented
There are a number of articles I would like to review but refuse to look at anything by Boredom Therapy. I takes forever to display a single page. Then you have to get thru 10+ pages to see the end of the article. There aren't enough hours in the day to look at these articles.
Anonymous commented
Boredom therapy links are so saturated w/ advertising and drawn out stories that make it unwatchable.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. There are way too many clickbait sites in the news feed.
Anonymous commented
All domestic websites like Boredom and Huff Post are alike, just Madison Avenue non-stop.
For real news, I use BBC, CBC.ca, or other international news sites. -
Anonymous commented
Boredom Therapy is just boredom and frustration. You have to go through 20 pages to read a story with tons of ads in between.