You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Anonymous commented
Enough with the slide shows - I don't have the time or the patience. I like the news feed - just give me the article.
Anonymous commented
Jane Jacobs commented
Quit with all these advertisements. They are driving me crazy. Have been an aol customer since almost the start I am about to cancel! And then when you have posted a story that interests me... the ever clicking to get the next post. PUT IT ALL UP so I don't have to waste time clicking! Tired of all the advertisements! I NEVER LOOK AT THEM!
Bob commented
After reading the comments below, I realize more people are more irritated than I, with the Click Next issue. I had thought the flickering screen was an issue with my computer, but it appears that the programing is installed via AOL to cause that issue, as with the jumping screen, 50 % of the time when you click next, the screen jumps and you end up clicking on the associated add. 100% annoyance. Please fix your system for the benefit of your readers.
Bob commented
Understanding AOL is free, however, your "NEXT PAGE" would be more useable and of interest, IF, you were to include the entire story and/or Pictures without having to "Click Next" as after 2-3 clicks, story or pictures are no longer of interest. I will say I use AOL on a daily basis for the current events in the "media" for what ever it is worth, hoewever, it is becoming more of a source of irritation to follow stories due to the click next issue. Using the Click next feature, sometimes causes my computer to freeze some times long periods of time.
joe blow commented
stop the click bait stories that go nowhere ..... junk
AL MOORE commented said they WILL look into this resolution I've BEEN attempting to have AOL correct; as AOL REFUSED my REQUEST; for some UNFORSEEN REASON; stated; being the INTERNET CARRIER of AOL, for to REPORT ANY DISCREPENCIES that are REFUSED by!
Anonymous commented
Todays B29 Story. Had to go through 20 plus pages to see the B29 caught on fire. TOO MUCH. I will not longer be a PAGE TURNER.
John Jenkins commented
Stop making me click through some of the articles. It is a waste of time. I never read anything else on a page as I click through the article anyway. I will stop reading article on AOL that appear in this format.
tim commented
hate your scrible stories making you click NEXT PAGE 20 times! make the stories ONE **** PAGE
tim commented
hate your scrible stories making you click NEXT PAGE 20 times! make the stories ONE **** PAGE
PAT KING commented
Don't make me watch a number of screens to get to the answer to the lead screen.
Anonymous commented
Dishonest, deceitful, sloppy. Think that about covers it. Next Page is unreadable and overly frustrating. I've read maybe 2-3 stories all the way thru. When I see the Next Page feature, I really go to the next page, another site!!
Anonymous commented
Agree. AOL provides only gossip and extremely bias political news. What's not old or bias is worthless. It abuses its subscribers and is only interersted in making money and staying "alive."
R Lewis Francis commented
On your human interest videos, when we click on "Next", most often the screen jumps such that instead of getting "Next" we get an ad. This is a sleazy and unethical practice and you should be ashamed.
Mike commented
Show your subscribers what they click on will be where it takes you not something else that you did not want to see. Stick to the issue and stop leading members somewhere beside the article they wanted to see.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Absolutely Hate the way I am rerouted EVERY time I click on a story - from page to page to page. What a complete way to make it known that AOL does not in anyway really care about news at all!
Anonymous commented
Quit making me click umteen times to see the story you are advertising...