You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Anonymous commented
No more multiple page stories.
Bob commented
Instead of having to click next to read your features stories, allow the reading to be continuous. Half the time reading & "next" the article starts bouncing & opens a new advertisement tab instead of the article. Very annoying and most of the time the articles may not be completely read due to your set up of the page. I do read articles most every day, but have become more annoyed than interested as of late.
I am sure that I am not alone with my comments. -
Anonymous commented
Next page is probably the worst thing I have ever seen I don't bother when I see it. Tell your story without all of the B.S.
dc commented
stop changing short stories into a novel. keep it about the title and not a history book.
Anonymous commented
Nix the next page ****
Anonymous commented
QUITE TRUE!! Give us old AOL back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rocky Swogger commented
I agree. Its a mess.
Anonymous commented
Listen to your subscribers and stop teasers leading to "Next"
Stop playing games with the stories. AOL moves what we need to click on to get us to click on an Ad instead. And we have to click on a "next" like 10 times to get to the real essence of the story. I can see why lots of people leave AOL.
Morgan commented
With your resources you could be a force in the news world, instead your tabloid stories that require clicking through 50 pages of repetitious **** and ads make you a total joke in journalism. You can't even write a headline with using the words "Shocking, horrendous, unbelievable, heartbreaking, bombshell, HUGE bombshell, epic, stunning, astonishing, mind-blowing, controversial, “sparks outrage,” grisly, horrifying, surprising, chilling, whopping, jaw dropping, outrageous, disgraceful, will make you cry, scandalous, slams, cringe worthy, frightening, massive, disturbing, gruesome, outlandish, horrendous, unsettling, unprecedented, and “will leave you flabbergasted.” GROW UP, you come across like third graders. I can get more thorough news in the check out line tabloids.
Zane commented
Anonymous commented
instead of hitting next button, keep story all on same page by scrolling down.
Lynda Wilson commented
I am sick of clicking on one of the stories that show up only to find that I have to click through the entire article one page at a time. All the while having dozens of stupid ads popping up. I will no longer be reading any of the stories that require this, no matter how interesting they may appear from the first page. It's not worth the aggravation.
Dude commented
too much pages for one short story just so the user can click next page button and open pages with tons of advertisements.
Anonymous commented
I am going to have to stop reading AOL because of this
Publish each story on a page l8ke everyone else
It is an insult to the reader not to mention it doesn’t work -
L. Fisher commented
Stop making me hit NEXT
Anonymous commented
Your click thru" stories suck. Just get to the point of the original story. When I see those, I just skip them. Having to click thru 20 pics to get to the point is ridiculous.
Anonymous commented
Make sure that headlines are not as sensational as most people do not read text or make the limited text under the headline explain the truth not force you to click for more which most people do not need.
Douglas Taylor commented
dont dump me off aol just so you can make me look at an ad on the sign in page!!!
Anonymous commented
Sick & tired of AOL next page ***** !!