You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Anonymous commented
Those cites are impossible to get through, so now I exit immediately upon realizing I'm in one
Anonymous commented
c1coop commented
Should find a way to click the one college or area we are interested in. So must time to click all the way through the alphabet to get to Virgina or a state near the ZZ! This apples to all articles where include many choices!1
OMG! PLEASE stop with the "NEXT" prompted news stories. I want to read without having to always hit "NEXT" to continue on!! UGH!!! STOP PLEASE!! It's really not hard to keep a story on the same page (w/out clicking next) and still have your ads along side. This is the most frustrating thing. Seriously. You want better opinions about AOL, then change. This really is unnecessary.
Anonymous commented
Clicking once should be more than sufficient to read your "news" stories!
Anonymous commented
articles I would like to read I would like to read , not go to next page , the next page then next page , then next page , then next page , then next page GOT IT , then to find out its nothing Stop then BS I almost tired of AOL been there from the beginning but its time if you do not change
Just give us the news and not a chronologic description of the article.
Anonymous commented
I'm really really really really really sick of clicking on a news story in my welcome screen only to find it's a slideshow STRICTLY DESIGNED to put tons and tons and tons and tons of clickbait ads in front of me.
Dennis Miller commented
Your news headlines often sound very interesting, But I give up and quit reading because of this "next page" overkill. It takes forever to get thru it and have to keep blocking advertisements, which is extremely aggravating. Then the story ends up to be a nothing burger. Majority of time, wish I had not wasted my time reading. So for the most part have quit
Ray McDermett commented
Get rid of so many interfering ads and put your story's on one page.
Anonymous commented
get rid of the click bait. if i cant click on a story and read it without having to click through 20 pages, its not worth my time. AOL just keeps adding more and more of this garbage. Its no wonder they have lost half of their members over the years
Ora Melamed commented
I love reading your news stories, but only when they are displayed on one page. Lately you've displayed your stories on multiple pages that require to click on NEXT PAGE over and over again.
You lost me with this. I have no patience for the multiple pages stores and I am sure I am not alone.
Please, go back to the one page stores.....
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
It takes way to long to move through slideshows, especially on my phone. The download time is high. I am no longer reading articles presented in this fashion. Please eliminate them. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
After posting my idea I am told on a second page that "my idea will appear shortly".
2 things...the first is there is no navigation link on this page to take me back to the feedback forum. 2nd is are you really so weak with your ideas that you have to censor direct criticism by "reviewing" every comment made and then not posting those ideas that you do not like?