You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Anonymous commented
Stop the click next page
Anonymous commented
How about just a single page for your articles. No “next” button and no deceitful shifting the page so an ad is mistakenly clicked on. Your whole advertising model is disgusting. And to think I pay for this
Michael Flood commented
Either make stories shorter and to the point or get your crayons out and draw us some pictures
Michael commented
Your stories posted on your front page are way too long to read. I clicked on a story about an elephant falling into a hole and I must have went through 12 pages and the story was not finished. I stopped looking at these stories and so have my friends. I don't need to look at more than 3 web pages to read story. I know you want your readers to look at all those advertisements on those pages but if your reader does not read the story b/c it's too long guess what, they wont be looking at those stories or those advertisements. Remember 'KISx'.
Anonymous commented
News feeds
Anonymous commented
I will no longer read any articles that have NEXT PAGE, after the lead comments.
John Davis commented
Click Through stories. BUSH LEAGUE
Lance Jacobson commented
get to your point quicker, good stuff, but you have to go to toooooooooo
many panes to get to the point -
Anonymous commented
Please stop making every story a click on next. . . next. . .next. I will not be reading any more AOL "news".
Anonymous commented
Do Something!
Anonymous commented
I want to read the entire article in it entirety. I have stopped reading these artles that you have to scrolll and click and scroll and click. No more!
Banjo commented
It takes so long to read an article having to go through 10 pages I have stopped all together.
Michele commented
AOL is a platform like Yahoo or Google. You do not have to pay for AOL.
Anonymous commented
Used to be I could click and read an article. Then some of them became ADs that were so long, you could NEVER get to the 'screen grabber' that brought you to that article. So, I stopped looking at ANY of THOSE that did that. Now... they ALL DO THAT! So, pray tell me WHY I should be PAYING for AOL service if I'm not getting any... Steve Rice, and NOT a HAPPY USER!!!
Dennis Miller commented
If you want to show me a list of the top 50 of something, show me the **** list on the first page and let me click on any I want to read more. Your website is totally inefficient.
Dennis Miller commented
Agree. This is a total waste of time to try to look at these. Takes forever, and often can't even get thru them. Will hit "next page" and an ad will jump in front. Then have to start over from the start. Have quit looking at these because.
mary commented
You used to be a great site to read its just horrible. You show only few lines on each page to try to read the story...this form of news is out dated and embarrassing because your better than that. Add after Add is terrible.
mary commented
how about showing your stories on one page and not 25 pages of adds? Horrible now.
Anonymous commented
I cant stand the way you report news items. I have to click page after page after page. It's ridiculous. Get to the point and dont force me to read your new page by clicking on an article 20 or more times to read something that can be reported on a single page!!! Shame on you AOL. Where did you learn that kind of journalism??????
Lance Jacobson commented
your lead in takes you in a long round about journey to nowhere to get
to the real post