You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Anonymous commented
Get rid of having to push "NEXT" to reading an article.
Anonymous commented
when I click onto more info about the article, cannot see what others have typed because the page become long and narrow
Sandy commented
STOP making so you have to go through hoops to read the entire thing, next page,, next page,, next,, next,, its very annoying, I dont even finish when I see the first next
Anonymous commented
Pdakrier commented
Stories should be accessible on one page and not be spread over 20 pages where you have to press "next".
Harry Potter commented
When I want to read a story, I want to read a story not click incessantly on "Next Page". Give me the whole story at once.
Lewis Compton commented
Me and all of my friends refuse to do your next page next page stories they go on for ever. I like aol but we now use msn for news stories. If you got rid of that next page **** I believe many7 more people read your news stories.
mike shelton commented
I would like to be able to read a whole story without clicking on next 10+ times to read a single story
Anonymous commented
Quit making me click 20 times for a story!!!
Anonymous commented
yes, annoying to say the least...AOL should conduct a usability survey...
kathy supe commented
will never read another story on here that makes you go to next page. Nothing but a big build up to a big let down. Keep articles on one page!!!!!
glenn sweany commented
I have been an AOL user since 1500baud modems....a long time. Your current site structure of every home page reference leading to 10-20 separate pages of material is simply exasperating. Many times, you could cover the subject with a single page without all of the wasted time and space in between. You are driving me away from AOL with your wasted space and time.
I don't even log into AOL to get my E-mail, I extract it with an app and read it off site, without your Ads.
Since I do not use Windows as my operating system, your "free" offers do not serve me at all. There just seems to be less and less of AOL that I need or want.
I suspect you are losing customers with your "big ideas" of how a web page should be structured and operated. AOL is becoming a waste of space on the internet. I am going to guess your advertisers are not doing very well either.
Anonymous commented
I will no longer be clicking "nest" to get to the actual information an article claims to present. I've had an AOL email address for over 20 years but will happily discontinue its use and have no remnant of AOL on my computer if this tiring practice continues.
tim commented
HATE your pictured news stories....make them ONE article not 10 different clicks of NEXT, NEXT, NEXT B.S
HENRY GOETZE commented
I really dislike the way that stories are hyped. Words like "shocking", "startling" are used as hooks for stories, and then I am forced to endure endless ads and "next page" prompts. I so often never make it to the end of the story being disgusted by being baited this way.
Diane Taylor commented
Agreed -- two sentences to a page, the NEXT set up so that you go to an ad instead of the next page, spending 30 minutes to read something that should take 3... AOL is becoming a waste of time.
Penny Arlene commented
I have given up on informing myself with information and News thru AOL because nothing is posted in it's entirety. I do not mind scrolling I will NOT hit NEXT to read anything..
Last loyal fading fan commented
Just from what I can see on this page, I see that I'm not the only one with this frustrating complaint. These slideshows and slo mo telling of a story is excruciating, slows down my phone or computer with all the loading of worthless advertising, and is a total waste of time. Everyone makes fun of me for being such a dinosaur and keeping my aol account, and I'm about to give in.
get it together people commented
maybe print the story on one **** page not force the reader to hit the next button after 10 words..(20 times for a simple story) YOU PEOPLE AT AOL, DO KNOW HOW TO WRITE A COMPLETE STORY, RIGHT?
Anonymous commented
Your next page stories are just to get your advertisement fees. Either post the story on a single page with the whole story, or don't post it at all. I, along with most others, will not waste the time waiting for the punch line. And then, when you finally decide to enlighten us with the answer, you go off on another tangent.