Please update/correct feeds for Local and Weather for Zip code 32309. No update for three days!
Correct feed for Local News and Weather for Tallahassee FL 32309

Thank you for contacting us. We are happy to try to help and apologize for the inconvenience. If the local information on your homepage is incorrect (such as the weather report for a different location), please try these two solutions:
#1. Verify your location. This can be done by making sure your correct City, State is in the top left of your Welcome Screen. If it is not, please click “Update Your Location” under Local News and Weather, enter your Zip Code and press Save. Then try going to to see if this information is aligned with our weather source
#2. Clear cache, cookies, history, and footprints in your browser then repeat the instructions about in #1.
If the issue persists, email us at
John Molene commented
On the home page screen, pleas link Local News and Weather to actual local news and weather, My local St. Paul weather is listed correctly, but the news stories are always from Ohio. I live in Minnesota. Been like this for a while no matter if I log on new or not.
Bring back the automatic entry of my city when I click on the weather!!!!
Holly commented
Local news on AOL homepage is no longer local news ,it's not even mt state's news . I have my correct zipcode and it states my correct city andd state
Frank Solomon commented
Your local news and weather is WRONG, The stories are about Rochester, Minnesota, not Rochester, NY where we are.
Sam commented
The weather forecast page is split with blue and white colors. The number are white and the color changes right in the middle of the temperature number. Impossible to read the numbers correctly. The people who set a page up like this need to be removed or put into a job where they could understand the implications of their actions.
Anonymous commented
I would submit a screenshot of my weather page if I could!
John Chambers commented
Zip code wont save on the aol page
Anonymous commented
For the past week the full forecast for my area (zip 1003- NYC) displays only the temperature at this minute. I wish I could attach a screen shot but there is no way to do that. This is part of the aol local news and weather. Please look into this
Anonymous commented
How wonderful - sunshine from 7 PM until 6 am in Lansdale, Pa starting
Monday (6/29) until Tuesday (6/30) -
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if there were a way to let AOL know.
Ilene Silver commented
full forecast page shows nothing. unable to scroll page. only shows ads
Jackie Laverne commented
PLEASE find a reliable source for weather forecasting. Always a 10 degree or more discrepancy. Fire your source and hire a reliable one. Don't know why you even offer it. Seems this is a constant problem others have complained about.
Maxine Luker commented
all I can ever see is what the weather is at that time which I could look out the window and see that for myself. what I do need is what the weather will be like all day. please go back to how it looked before where it also showed when you clicked on a certain time, you could see rain fall amounts, wind gusts, if there may be hail, etc. what is there now is not informative at all! maybe you are too busy showing anti trump/conservative (mostly fictional) articles, or some has been celebrity's opinions on politics or other useless democrat 's opinion on subjects they attempt to look intelligent on while talking down to people. FIX THE WEATHER PAGE! that's not a political thing so it needs to be informative with helpful.
Anonymous commented
hire some that can do thier job correctly
why do you have all day a rain forecast when the hourly forecast is always at zero?
Anonymous commented
make it so you can actually see the weather report
You show a thunderstorm symbol for 5/4 yet the hourly forecasts for the remainder of the day show zero chance of precip.
Anonymous commented
Yay! I can see the weather.
john commented
your weather report is repeatedly incorrect it is costing me complaint charges
Maxine Luker commented
idea: fix the weather page! oh, wait, never mind, i'll just install a weather site that's more reliable than someone looking out a window at aol and putting what they see as the current weather in one vertical column.