Every time I look at AOL Home page I see Trump on your home page.PLEASE STOP
No paid politics on your home page.Every time I look at your home page I see Trump staring at me &* I don't like it.Please Stop showing his face everyday.We all know what he looks like & we don't need to be reminded of it.Is this going to be going on till 2020 Election.Please say no !!!
Anonymous commented
AOL stop with the anti Trump pro Biden ****. You’re not influencing anyone of anything. It just makes you look biased and ridiculous.
BEELZELBUM commented
Harry Pavulaan commented
Why not just cancel your AOL membership? Good bye!
Harry Pavulaan commented
Yeah, but the news articles pick the worst photos of Trump and the articles are always liberal-baised at best, or just fake news. I agree, but remove ALL political posts.
ted commented
If P. Trump wins are you all going to move to Canada! AGAIN?
ted commented
Its called TDS. Dems. have Trump on the brain. It,s so you can hate him more.
Bill Morgan commented
I agree, His face makes me puke. He should be in jail
Anonymous commented
AOL...Please remove the anti-Biden ads on your home page; it's offensive and insulting. Please stay out of politics...and not accept money from political groups for advertising on the home page.. Your customers resent seeing these ads every time they log in. Thank you.
Lynn commented
Please remove picture of trump on AOLl home page or I will change my home page.
Santa Claus commented
I joined AOL when you guys were nothing, now you guys have millions of clients
why are you forcing us to see TRUMP on the home page. Really makes me angry
or should i cancel my everything. TRUMP is the worst human been in this world. -
Anonymous commented
With your sophisticated analytics how can you possibly have concluded that I would want to see Trump every time I want to look at my mail? I'm sure he pays you a bundle, but I am your customer and should have the right to say whether I want to see this ad or not. Even FaceBook offers that choice. Get it off of my screen. Nor do I want to see Bill Reilly or any other Trump flunkies or groupies.
Anonymous commented
Posting a picture of Trump on the AOL homepage suggests a level of comfort with his corruption and malevolence. Is that the brand AOL wishes to promote? Is that how your users should see AOL -- as malevolent and corrupt?
Obviously money, not viewers, rules. I don't want to go back to Yahoo but you are going to leave me no choice. Take the ad off the homepage. We should not have to be subjected to this.
Judie commented
Please get the Rump - that yellow-haired idiot off of your homepage.
It was gone for a few blessed days and it was a wonderful not to have to see it.
But now the ***** grabber's face is there again. Why?
Please remove it and give your readers a break. -
Vlasta Kos commented
Stop showing orange baboons face aka Donald Trump
Judie commented
The Rump's face is on the right hand side of your web page again. Why?
Please do not spoil our day by having to look at him any more. Thank you.
And I am not the only one who feels this way. -
Anonymous commented
TRUMP Lies in our face
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
So true.
Anonymous commented
Many of us appreciate seeing OUR President.
We have suffered through too many pictures of Hillary Clinton an AOC! -
JERRY DANZIG commented
NO MORE TRUMP! Please get him off your home page -- and keep him off. This lying miscreant has nothing to say that any thoughtful American needs to hear...