Why is AOL running ads to get rid of the Electoral College? It is mandated by the Constitution.
Do not run politically motivated ads. Why is AOL running ads to get rid of the Electoral College? It is mandated by the Constitution.
ernie commented
I'll take the intellect of the founding fathers over AOL and the rest of the left-wing wackos any day of the week. If you don't understand the Electoral College and it's purpose, you need to go back school for another civics class, and this time pay attention.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Our founding fathers were geniuses compared to what we have today.
The electoral college is not a feel good moment that you can change to make someone President.
If not for the electoral college, three states with liberals would change the country. Our rules worked really well until ..2008.
Most of US are fed up with whiners who didn't receive a proper education and have no knowledge of American History or civics. -
Stece commented
AOL , a sad example of The American Left's continued FAILURE of our educational system.
Stece commented
Carol , you cannot be that stupid .
Of course CA votes count EQUALLY as votes from any other state
Stece commented
Black lives matter is 100 % FRAUD , they advocate MURDER of innocent people
ALL LIVES MATTER , Pay attention people , you are being boonswaggled
Stece commented
of course they are , as they are ANTI AMERICAN and against the CONSTITUTION
Troy commented
We the people right?
Harold commented
Look at who the ceo is and you will have your answer.....anti-American.
Carol commented
Counting Blacks as 3/5 of a person was also mandated by the Constitution. The Constitution gives us recourse to eliminate outdated mandates. It's time to get rid of the Electoral College. Why should the votes of Californians count less than the votes of Iowans?
Anonymous commented
The United States is NOT a democracy. It is a REPUBLIC. Get your stuff straight before making comments.
William william commented
Elections should not be won by states. They should be won by people. Why is my vote in a populous state worth less than a vote in a sparsely populated state.
Joe Tursi commented
It is not mandated by the constitution. Stop lying. The media lying is our countries biggest problem. If I was Trump I would sign an executive order that would give a heavy fine each time a news agency lies. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I also want to know that for months now I never get a reply on my comments. Am I blocked??????????????? ,,,, I am a paying customer.
Anonymous commented
The original Constitution ceded the right to vote to states, who restricted the vote not to include African Americans, non-landowning men, and all women. After the Civil War, the Constitution was amended to include all men (not women) over the age of 21 voting for Congressmen and the President who HAD NOT BROKEN THEIR OATH TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. Originally, too, the President and the Vice President were voted for separately, and the Senators voted on by their state houses. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote, and the 26th Amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote. Amendments, rightfully adapted, have changed the Constitution for its betterment, and in a true democracy, where every vote should matter, the Electoral College is an abomination. 2 of the last 3 presidents lost the popular vote only to be elevated as president because of an outdated, undemocratic system which outlived its usefulness centuries ago. We should as a people either amend the Constitution (which has been tried many times in the past, so far unsuccessfully) or do a work around, where states share the electoral votes with others, mirroring the popular vote. This has already been ratified in many state legislatures, but should be ratified in them all.
km commented
They're running those adds because they are not a credible news source, and their biased journalists are not capable of reporting the news correctly.
Michael Wilks commented
AOL is evil. They are a lousy service who splash fake news like the rest of the MSM.
Steve commented
Think of how much cheaper it would be to hold a Presidential election if we only had to open polls in 15 states.
Bill Peters commented
Only folks who dont understand how unfair removing the E.C. would be would want it removed...most want it removed because one of their favorite Communists want it gone....mostly because once removed the elections would ONLY count in high population states...and THAT is why the constitution says it must be there....sigh..uninformed people will someday destroy the country
Lance commented
The Electoral College
Votes should count equally
A map of the 2016 election by congressional district. [Wikimedia Commons]
I wonder how many people understand how a presidential election works. It’s actually 50 separate elections because elections are run by each state. Personally, I think every vote should count exactly the same but, in reality, it doesn’t. The less populated states gain a huge advantage. The Electoral College is the main culprit in all votes not counting the same. For a Florida voter to have the same voting power as a Wyoming resident, Florida should have 110 Electoral College votes instead of 29. It is basic math. Wyoming has three votes and a population of 600,000, so each vote represents 200,000. Florida has 22 million people and 29 votes — about 800,000 for each vote. Sadly it gets worse. States decide how to apportion their electoral votes. Maine and Nebraska break it down by congressional district, but other states give all their votes to whomever wins the popular vote. Florida’s winner-take-all is a terrible way to apportion our electoral votes. Win by one vote — or in George Bush’s case, 537 — and not only do all those losing votes not count, but they actually go over to count for the other side. Each vote exactly the same.F.M. Younglove,
Well said, i agree with u 100%. Each vote should count exactly the same.
Judie commented
The Electoral College is racist - it came from a time when a black man was considered to have only a partial vote. How insanely racist. How can it ever be considered useful today. And incidentally
someone actually won the last election with 4 million votes more than the Rump.