You can improve AOL mail by cutting all the anti PRESIDENT Trump propaganda!! STOP even pretending to be a "news" source! Left wing GARBAGE
Un American **** is all I see every time I just want to check my email. The media in this country has become the propaganda wing of the radical left. You guys KNOW it but don't even care or even try to be neutral. Just pathetic!

Anonymous commented
We should all agree on this one Truth.
The Public should stop RESISTING ARREST!!!!!!
All of this Violence and stealing and deaths would not have happened if the the individuals did not resist Arrest. They still have to prove that the person arrested is guilty of their crime- Think about that!!!!!!!!
Maxine Luker commented
your colors really show when you continually show your personal opinions on trump, conservatives and people who disagree with the left. nearly all of those posted articles are filled with nothing but personal opinions and false facts geared totally on what the democrats/liberals/socialists want you to post to help them while attempting to show trump in a bad light. beyond transparent as to what you are doing which is proof by how there is no more commenting. more so than not, people would comment about how wrong the article and even post facts instead of whatever you were trying to accomplish and a few ignorant people would desperately try to defend what you were posting. so I guess the genius idea here was to get rid of commenting so no one could oppose what you were trying to pass off as true reporting? too many saw through that