How do I turn off the anti-TRUMP news and adds.
How do I turn off the anti-TRUMP news and adds. Thank you...
jpa commented
AOL has gotten BACK to the strategy of shadow banning posts. I have seen my posts while logged in and yet they disappear when I log out. And they reappear when I log back in. This shows ONLY my profile can see my posts. This started up again when aol started demanding logins for posting comments.
Judy Ryan commented
elect someone to take his place
Jess Leon commented
All I get are pro Trump adds--Stop it!!!
Brenda commented
As a paying customer since you first started in the business I would appreciate neutral headlines. I can't help but see this nonsense as I log in to check my email. I must be insane to keep using AOL as there are plenty of free services out there. I like the format but I despise the bias and all the Trump hating comments posted, yet my comments float out into the ether someplace.
Anonymous commented
Whereas the media pundits have free rein with the truth you CHOOSE TO HEAR THE LIES FROM VIRTUALLY ALL THE HATE FILLED LIES OF THE LEFT...GO FIGURE...FOOL!
JANET SMELKO commented
Why do you have to cast your political bias, hate, and negativity into your news headlines and articles? Everyday, I open my AOL front page, and there's those one sided, biased headlines:( Its bad enough that neutral and unbiased journalism is a thing of the past..Im sick of it..yet, you're obviously on that same bandwagon. Cant you just report a news story without tainting it with your negative and hateful spin on it? The few top leaders in politics see it a certain way, so everyone else in that party immediately stop thinking for themselves and follow along like sheep, never bothering to get the full and total facts.
Anonymous commented
I have never read a anti donald, would like to see them
Anonymous commented
AOL is so far left in their reporting, they are off the map.
Anonymous commented
I want a reduction or elimination of my monthly aol charges since your outlet is so biased against any Republican issues! I shall leave AOL unless this occurs ( been a paying member for years!!)
Anonymous commented
The Obama praises keep coming--when I try to submit a positive comment about Trump in response to negative comments, there are delays in my entering data. I'm still paying monthly service fees for my membership and I resent your censorship of my comments--deny that statement if you may but that has been your practice for the last year or so. The night of the election in 2016, you predicted Trump with a 10% chance of winning and Clinton was posted with 90+% chance. I am severely disappointed with your service over the past two years especially since I am paying you a monthly service charge. Please make an adjustment to my account or I will disrupt an account I have had with you over the last 30 years.
Anonymous commented
stop the anti Trump ads
Anonymous commented
stop the anti Trump ads