Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
Pelosi is lying to cover up the fact the Trump "one upped" her. She's despicable just like the rest of the d leadership and YOU, the media. Now we can never have a logical discussion because YOU and the rest of the leftists bring out your "labels". Racist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. as YOU well know. "Family" is now a homophobic term thanks to YOU idiot leftists. Pathetic beyond belief!
Anonymous commented
Even handed coverage of the actual news would be welcome. Stop slanting everything left. Remember you name is America online not liberal on line.
Anonymous commented
Stop reporting news from Democratic views, stop with all the celebrity news and photos.
R. JACKSON commented
No propaganda, just facts, as journalism should be fair.
Your readers need this anti Trump campaign to stop.
His political opposition who you support is not fair, balanced nor
offering any reasonable alternatives, which we need to hear if they have same.Let your readers make their minds upon facts, not opinions.
Anonymous commented
Stop bashing President Trump. The guy is the President voted in by the people. He is serving for no pay or kickbacks. He is reflecting the American public, (regardless of the loud, wrong left.) Give him a break and make yourselves look better than you are.
Anonymous commented
Only in America are legal citizens labeled "nazis" or "racist", but illegal aliens are called "dreamers". Hmmmm. Leftists are always willing to listen to other points of view, until they discover there ARE other points of view.
Richard Peay commented
Stop spinning the news and your headlines has the look and feel of the NATIONAL INQUIRER from the 1970s with a liberal bias
David Sloan commented
Why was this story buried and then deleted? "Citing 'security concerns' due to government shutdown, Speaker Pelosi urges delay of State of the Union address" It just seems when anything negative regarding Democrats is either buried or removed.
JOHN KOSKO commented
You keep ******* me off (and probably a lot others) with your **** highly Huff Post liberal bias. Can't you do better and at least try to be politically neutral?
John S. Phillips Sr commented
Tell us the weather or whatever, but I don't want to see your political ********.
Anonymous commented
Start a page for opinion separate from news with all sides represented. Your constant bombardment of Trump is boring and predictable. Don Lemons opinions are not news. Don Lemon!!
ELLEN SABIN commented
say something positive about trump for a change
Anonymous commented
Today, AOL opted for the only critical statement it could find regarding Mr. Barr's questioning by the U.S. Senate, and that was that he said reporters "could be arrested". That's a factual statement within his framework that this "could" occur if they broke the law. That's what you should have emphasized. Also, you ignored praise for him, even from the unlikely source of Senator Feinstein!!
Anonymous commented
Can you try some honest reporting for a change instead of President Trump bashing at all times .
It is amazing that you don’t even realize how bias you are. -
mary mouse commented
you all are so one sided in your reporting.Not a day goes by that you arent slamming Trump and/or printing an awful picture of him-grow up in your reporting...please
Anonymous commented
bob k. commented
quit AOL paid subscription after 20+ years - site performance + content is still deteriorating at a rapid rate - worst AOL ever !!!
Anonymous commented
AOL's constant Trump negativity is tiresome. GROW UP AOL!!
Anonymous commented
Where was the democrat leadership concern for all the jobs and paychecks lost during obama years. Where was the press? Where was the press when obama promised, "Keep your doctor, keep your health plan". Why are democrat definitions of crisis valid in the media and conservative ones (real ones) not? Why aren't you touting all the jobs added under Trump? That's easy. It doesn't fit your Trash Trump scenario. How about the story that cnn rejected a San Diego reporter's information that was favorable toward the wall! It's all very transparent!
Kurt Rutz commented
Stop force feeding us Huff-Post politics.