Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
You ran a one-sided story re threats vs The Boston Globe, and that is a horrendous thing for anyone to threaten to kill the staff of any newspaper, even one as rotten as The Boston Globe, now headed by John Henry's (owner of the Red Sox) wife, completely incompetent to head a newspaper. The Boston Globe is the most biased newspaper in the country, even lower than "The New York Times". Why don't you run background on the biased nature of such newspapers, and maybe idiots like the CA man wouldn't feel so helpless and threatened by the papers actions?
Anonymous commented
My opinion of Trump is that he is an *******. Since he has spoken in a negative way about John McCain, I think he is losing lots of points when it comes to his next election cycle. I liked him up until today. Now, he is an *******.
Anonymous commented
Remove Ad by Warren against Trump.
Anonymous commented
I need a complaint button to push every time I see a biased news article. Leftist propganda should not be disguised as news. That's wrong.
Dt Darin commented
I am sick of seeing only negative news about our country. You are getter as bad as Facebook and Google. I am definitely checking out other search engines. You are not fair at all !!! Boo On AOL !
Joan commented
DeSantis' comment was not racial. Are monkey bread, monkey bars, monkeying around all racial, in your opinion?. I think this is taking political correctness to the level of ludicrous. Shame on you for the headline to the article.
RUDY LANG commented
AOL is a disgusting example of bias and hate. You are also racist against anyone who is not of the same mind as you. Huff Post is a communist rag...
Anonymous commented
Just more biased "news" by AOL!
Anonymous commented
You ran a story that conservatives mis-Id'd the recent FL shooter, but neglected to mention this was because liberal publications mis-spelled his name and, thereby caused the mis-identification! Just more and more bias. Do you have any readers left that believe anything you post?
Anonymous commented
Every hour of every day, you discuss and headline what you think will turn everyone against Trump. You headline NOTHING about Trump's success with the economy. I heard that the economy is headed for a 4+% growth next time around. YOU and the rest of your leftist buddies just can't tolerate the truth of good news. Trump is making trade deals and improving our economy daily for the everyday person. And it's not just crumbs! In my lifetime, I've never seen the "swamp" work so hard at trashing someone. You've tried hard with all the republican presidents, but this attack from the swamp from top to bottom is sickening!
Anonymous commented
Can you split AOL in to 2 companies one that can remain blatantly liberal and one that in Pro-Conservative ?
Gene commented
All I see is what Trump does when the important thing is remembering McCain.
Anonymous commented
I have been with AOL since the 90s. I am tired of the constant liberal political barrage in your "news" pages. I am looking to go somewhere else right now; the last few days have been the last straw.
Don't you realize that your core membership is older and possibly a little more conservative? I can't speak for Trump's presidency in detail but I will say that my portfolio looks better this year than any time since the 80s. -
I guess you people have got to start losing customers and advertisers before you finally realize your political headlines and stories are slanted and you don't care. A lot of businesses have gone out of business because they didn't know their customers. There is a middle of the road.
Suggest you find it. -
RUDY LANG commented
Trump "Reportedly" rips McCain guys are illegitimate *********. What the **** does "Reportedly" mean.. Does that mean someone who is on coke and drugs and half blasted made a "statement"??? AOL sucks so bad it hurts America that you are allowed to be so cheap. Men gave their lives so you can **** on SUCK
THOMAS JONES commented
Anonymous commented
Fix log in use will cell phone .. sometimes u can update and sometimes it say password is wrong ... poor service
Karon commented
Stop being so liberal! This is why we left AOL! Constant Trump bashing and fake news on his popularity and performance is VERY annoying! 1/2 of the nation voted for the guy and you’re alienating 1/2 of your base as well. REALLY stupid move!
Anonymous commented
Quit jumping on the band wagon to criticize Trump so quickly. As with the remainder of your criticisms, you were off-base again! Trump ordered the flage to be lowered until McCain's internment. What a joke you are, as you lose more and more followers every day!
Anonymous commented
All this "Trump trouble" is democrat created from an investigation that has no truthful basis. Many people are actually aware of this. That's why all this "big trouble" hasn't seemed to affect Trump's ratings. Every day, every week, it's "this time we've got him story". We can see the disgust and hatred for Trump shining through despite the fact YOU think you're fooling the public.