I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.

Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
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Laura. commented
spoiled rich boy, never learned to be discerning nor wisdom.. turning everyone against him. .we do not want a communist...he used to look warm hearted.. until one thing after another. I was in shock.. But to make fun of the disabled man, got him off to a real bad start.
F. E. Conway commented
Anonymous commented
Though AOL denies shadow banning we all know they do it and not for profanity, etc. but for anyone they disagree with. Stop it !
mushman commented
For the past year you have forbidden me to post my thougts,why? Give me back my rights to post my thoughts AOL.Yet, you allow all these racist Right Wing bigots access to post their racist thoughts without censorship.I do pay Monthly fees to be able to post on these boards AOL remember.
mushman commented
For the past year you have forbidden me to post my thougts,why? Give me back my rights to post my thoughts AOL.Yet, you allow all these racist Right Wing bigots access to post their racist thoughts without censorship.I do pay Monthly fees to be able to post on these boards AOL remember.
AOL just does not care. These same comments are everywhere
Restore my ability to comment on news articles. What is it?? Once you get on the reject list, it can't be changed. Thats the only improvement I can see happening on AOL and they don't want to improve.
Anonymous commented
Your post is awaiting review.
Your comment has been sent for review since it is either a prerequisite of the site, or it may not align with our Community Guidelines. You will be notified once your comment has been reviewed.
Your comment was rejected as it apparently was not aligned with our Community Guidelines.
Unfortunately, you are unable to take part in this conversation right now as your comments have been blocked too many times.
Anonymous commented
Your post is awaiting review.
Your comment has been sent for review since it is either a prerequisite of the site, or it may not align with our Community Guidelines. You will be notified once your comment has been reviewed.
Your comment was rejected as it apparently was not aligned with our Community Guidelines.
Unfortunately, you are unable to take part in this conversation right now as your comments have been blocked too many times.
Do we really need moderation and supervision as if we are little children?
Not following guidelines is the only reason they have, to reject your comments even though you do follow guidelines. I've even called AOL and they can't do anything either. AOL can't be improved with that type of problems. If your a liberal, that makes a big difference. A conservative can say almost anything and never get rejected. So bias, WHY???
somebody else commented
I do not believe this violates AOL policy guidelines, it seems reasonable.
Make no mistake; this presidential election is one for the ages. How basic are the opposing views about capitalism versus socialism, big money influence and privilege versus good solid working class folk, racial conflict, immigration policy, contentious politicians versus frustrated and angry citizen voters, liberalism versus conservatism. You have to hope and have faith that somehow we will get through this period in our still young country’s evolution. Add to this mix a once in a lifetime pandemic and it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see how an angry and frustrated voter population adds to the volatility of the times. I do know this, perhaps Donald Trump has brought important issues into the discussion realm – basic issues that need to be discussed and resolved. But, taken as a whole, Donald Trump could have been more reasonable and shown more leadership qualities. I am left with the opinion that Donald Trump is/was a shaky bridge, but not a way, in this country’s journey toward a more perfect union. -
THOMAS GRADY commented
You are rejecting every comment I make. I even made a couple of non-pro Trump comments to see and they were rejected within 20 seconds. What is with you people? I've been a member for 30 years.
Duck commented
By allowing comments
Dave commented
Won't allow many people to comment on news articles. Why is that?? I called AOL to find out why my comments were always getting rejected and they saw I was following guidelines but they still couldn't tell me why. How can you improve AOL when they don't know anything
Anonymous commented
Please fix this !! Just started Oct 14,2020. Looks like you did some tech things- maybe someone forgot to put it back. PLEASE FIX!!! We like to comment and chat in the forum that pops up on the lower right side of political articles
Anonymous commented
restore the trump presidency chat forum on bottom right of political news articles. was there Oct 13th and before- not there today OCT 14th
Anonymous commented
What happened to the trump chat forum that pops up on the lower right side of news articles related to the presidency? Today Oct 14th the chat is not on but it was yesterday. Please put it back asap!!
Anonymous commented
What happened to the trump chat forum that pops up on the lower right side of news articles related to the presidency? Today Oct 14th the chat is not on but it was yesterday. Please put it back asap!!