Why are you rejecting my posts! Answer please!!!
Answer why my posts are being rejected!

Betty Britt commented
If this is the way we paying customers are treated, I say we all just cancel our AOL accounts and don't give them any more money. Apparently, they get enough through advertising.
Betty Britt commented
Paying member here for 26 years and the same thing happens to me.
Betty Britt commented
I have been a paying member of AOL and they are doing the same to me
DALE WILEY commented
Total post blocking. I feel that deserves a reason that can have the effect of corrective action. Example would be "You posted this word that we are blocking" or "you have been hurting peoples feeling with posts like this". Of course you don't have to provide reason, yet it would seem logical.
Cute Birb commented
say anything about their precious covid pandemic that they love so much and they ban you.
My poyts are jejected even if I only post Yes
NY posts are reiected even if I just type Yes
Jay VIDA commented
**** AOL then they are anti americian if they are blocking us.
AOL will do nothing to remove the block, once your comments have been rejected. They have rejected all of my comments, no matter what I have said, for months. I have just been on the phone with an AOL Customer Service Rep for 34 minutes, and after all that time, he said he could not help me, and I should just submit feedback. LOL!!!
In the last 2 weeks, my posts have been rejected. I have been a paying member for more than 2 decades and follow the posting guidelines. All of a sudden, my posts are rejected? I am a nurse and post helpful comments that in the past, many have thanked me for. What is happening? I have called tech support, chatted, written emails to AOL and nobody seems to be able to correct this. Please help!
DEVIN BORN commented
I wrote on a post that Pfizer was fined billions and Moderna never released a valid vaccine. and i was blocked for all future comments ..... eben one where i agreed with a person's comments.
Tom c commented
account comments are rejected, however are NOT in violation of community policy! Have been posting for over 20 years and now when topic is political, ALL comments were rejected. I am requesting a review of posts and proctor who refused them~ I have had many positive comments in response to previous posts.
Me Freedom commented
AOL is Communist
This is a Democrat platform controlled by the 1% Oligarchs who are essentially Fascist/Communist
There is no difference
This is now subject to a Class Action lawsuit just instigated by President Trump that will yield financial disaster to them! -
MARK EMERSON commented
AOL has joined The Cancel Culture, and has deleted every one of my posts, and banned me from participating in discussions because I'm not in lockstep with the Leftists.
Creeping Socialism has picked up pace... They are now silencing the reasoned voices of dissent. God Help Us... America is Lost!
Tom c commented
All my posts are being censored. excuse is that there are too many being reviewed. This is happening the last two days and any comments were well within the community guidelines.
It seems the political tone does not meet the censor's! -
Mike Plumley commented
I had a similar experience as Mr. Krug regarding posts on Kamala Harris. I got 76 likes in about one hour, then all comments I had made that day and the day before were removed. No warning. No explanation. And now if I try to post it's immediately rejected. Why? What did I do wrong? AOL, I would like an answer?
Rick Krug commented
I wrote a comment on the story VP Harris going to the Southern Border,,, and made reference to her getting lost and ending up at Willy Brown's house... The Willy Brown aspect is and has been all over the in for years,,, my comment was rejected as well as every other comment I have written today... AOL,,, what going on????
Cynthia commented
AOL is getting to be like Russia, Iran, and China. Communistic who try to censor what they con't like or want us to say. AOL - remember your name. It's AMERICA On Line not Soc Liberals on line
kajunvol brayden7 commented
Thebox of Lipton Ice Tea that i just bought, when opened, was ;missing two inches of your product! Please respond, thanks
kajunvol brayden7 commented
I just acquired a box of Lipton Iced Tea, Lemon! When iI took the cover off this box I discovered that almost :Two(2) inches of product was missing! Please Help!!