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If you are stopping your readers from viewing comments and replying, at least have the goodness to tell us why. Telling me repeatedly my privacy settings are wrong is of no help. Is this just me? Or have others been affected by this?

Nicholas B commented
What is the point of aol now? Bad journalism and we can’t comment on it. Lovely! Any recommendations for helping me go elsewhere?
Stanley Green commented
No point in commenting no one at aol listens or cares
owlman590 commented
Totally agree with Vanessa - What is going on - will not bother to read AOL News if this carries on.
James. S McIntosh. commented
Why have the stopped readers comments.
martyn turner commented
I am currently excluded from comments, the only reason, based on your rules is using all capitals advertising International Holocaust Memorial.
Lalabibi Ali commented
I agree with the comments above. You only let me comment on a few articals. WHY? Anythything with racism in it you will not allow me to comment WHY? There is no point in having a comment page if i cannot comment on it.