This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1455 results found
you need to fix slots lounge with all rooms back these people in anagram are rally awful people and want the roms back
PLease fix the slots lounge to have the separate rooms again. The people in the one room are awful people. I want to able to chat and play games peacefully. It has been almost a week PLEASE FIX THE ROOMS and put them all back immediately. You broke them now fix them
1082nd ranked -
chat less in omaha poker
please stop with the oversize ads which cover the ENTIRE chat box , we cannot chat with other players / friends THANK YOU
4187th ranked -
Change your video ads PLEAEE!
I am 70 years old as is most of those that play Texas ]Holdem on your site. I have never been a gamer yet I have been forced to watch your predator gaming commeercial over and over and over to adnauseum for months. Dont yiou have any other is really getting old for me and I know others.
1498th ranked -
Return the Ignore Button
Return the ignore button so female players can protect themselves against misogynistic bullies like this one. And btw, this has already been reported to aol who was done nothing to stop it. DOLLIE0011
check between ur legs for a cleaning CCIMABIOTCH DOLLIE0011
and that too CCIMAPOS clean that but DOLLIE0011
James was soooooo cool until YOUKNOWIMACUNT had it banned DOLLIE0011
SUDIESCUNT sits table stops DOLLIE0011
SUDIESCUNT will look like whats left over when kasCUNT gets done with a abortion650th ranked -
Just Words=Ad covers up board-can see to play
Please resolve issue of ads covering content. On Just words, the ad covers part of the game board and I can no longer play the game.
1498th ranked -
10522nd ranked
feedback..positive change?
I have tried before and aol seems to not care about what goes on in the chat rooms anymore! Please take a look at the chat going on in super high stakes texas holdem games! Filthy language and now we have one with copy and paste chat on a revolving, constant way of being on all the time. We who enjoy chat and poker would greatly appreciate you doing something about this constant harassment from a certain few people. Please!!!!!
1082nd ranked -
Please repair the AOL Game Wahoo the Marble game. He hasn't worked properly for a long time
4187th ranked -
All your horoscopes are Virgo today 041320
All your horoscopes are VIRGO
2337th ranked -
the changes to aol's gin rummy are terrible.
the recent changes to gin rummy are terrible. loads slower, deals slower, arranging cards is MUCH harder. also, i cannot join the game of another player and i cannot read why as the error mssg i get is 2/3 hidden by the edge of the game field. you've lost me as a regular visitor.
4187th ranked -
Please check and find out why there is a problem so often when trying to access games
fix problems so it is easy to get into games whenever you want. so often they are extremely slow or not accessible at all.
2337th ranked -
Keep AOL Games Alive
The aol games have always been the staple for entertainment on this site. Please, keep the aol free games alive!
812th ranked -
There was a game in which you create your Avatar, play against the computer.
You are in a Hot air balloon. Your opponent is in his balloon. You choose a row of numbers. Then the computer tries his row.
When you get ahead your balloon goes up. If you get behind you go down.I played this game on but they were bought out by AOL, now the game is unavailable.
...any suggestions?John Privitera
4187th ranked -
not found
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
- Don't see your idea?