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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
2395 results found
I am so sick of hearing about Taylor Swift. Is that all AOL has to offer?
Please......Stop with the Taylor Swift news. Is that all AOL has to offer? I and a lot of other people are sick of hearing about Taylor Swift!
4187th ranked -
Have a fact check on Trump and Biden so people can see the lies being said by both, but mainly check on all the lies DJT says daily
Fact check on what both Biden and Trump say , there is a lot of lies being told by both but mainly trump, speech, after speech after speech he lies and it might help some republicans see just how much he lies.
4187th ranked -
A poster on an article on AOL who goes by H.H. Holmes is making threats of mass shooting and violent attacks.
The article is
I'll bring along MY AR-15 and BLOW you to Smithereens!!It's GREAT to see that the school shooting are NOW extending into Colleges and Universities!! I LOVE this story!! And I'd LOVE it if the shooter gets away with it and is NEVER apprehended!!
And in response to a poster named Steve:
Little ********* Stevey, YOU have just signed YOU OWN DEATH WARRANT!! Also, I WILL decapitate your head and keep it as a…
4187th ranked -
AI in comments is out of control.
Ai is getting out of hand and eliminating comments. It is out of control.
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
Please revert to the previous home page format. New format is bad for low vision.
Your new Home Page format has too many type sizes and I can't find anything. Also how do I delete the "Games" section for which I have no use? The whole thing is bad for people with low vision.
2337th ranked -
Your agenda is comical
Try actual journalism! Stop with all the fear ****. Really sick & tired of you pushing the Lefts agenda! Report on our incompetent president. He's a joke & everyone knows it. The more you bash Trump, the popular he gets. Keep up the good work you frauds!
4187th ranked -
1st 25 news articles, 6 were about Trump. 0 on Joe Biden. AOL, you should be ashamed of yourself.
AOL, change your ways, or I will. You will lose a customer
812th ranked -
10/27/2023 The false news regarding the Palestina air strike on Gaza hospital is still posted on this site. ?
Above on 10/27/2023 The false news regarding the Palestina air strike on Gaza hospital is still posted on this site. ?
4187th ranked -
Telephone usage!
Maybe it might, further the existence of (AOL) !
4187th ranked -
Who's stupid Idea was It to make the news headline stories so small and not stop scrolling?
Return It to the way It was, for those of us that Pay for your services get rid of all the advertisements that were not present before you made It free to the public.
533rd ranked -
Why do you allow a headline with "ORANGE JESUS" in it. You claim you are against offending others, but you do it yourself.
Why do you allow a headline with "ORANGE JESUS" in it. You claim you are against offending others, but you do it yourself
4187th ranked -
Hate new format. When sending email from section says “me”, followed instructions to change, didn’t work. If something isn’t broke, why try
Hate new format!
440th ranked -
Insure when you post a before and after picture, that the person in the picture is the original person
Don't do a face cream before and after picture, where the individual is not the same person.
4187th ranked -
Stop Being So Liberal and Clearly Left-Wing
Stop with the anti-conservative headlines every time you log-in.
4187th ranked -
Go back to the old "feed line format" . Your viewers and "clicks" will lessen in volume when you just show a picture with no short caption
Go back to the old "feed line format" . Your viewers and "clicks" will lessen in volume when you just show a picture with no short caption
533rd ranked -
4187th ranked -
Keep news home page up to date. (Simple)
Just read the lead article on the AOL new page:
U.S. airlines cancel nearly 1,400 flights due to massive winter storm
Reuters, January 12, 2024 at 8:47 AMScolled down, next story is
A Thanksgiving tradition returns: busy roads, crowded airports Reuters, DANIEL TROTTA AND ALLISON LAMPERT
November 22, 2023 at 2:45 PM
and then
Thanksgiving travel expected to break pre-pandemic records in US Reuters, GABRIELLA BORTER AND DAVID SHEPARDSON November 21, 2023 at 5:59 PM
Two of your three lead stories are almost two months out of date. Please take this as constructive criticisms, the AOL news page is…
4187th ranked -
Scam Advertisements on AOL Mail website is advertising scammers. is selling fraudulent stamps.
2337th ranked -
Identifying news source
Thank you for identifying news sources in the teaser. I don't have to click on sources known to be untruthful.
2337th ranked
- Don't see your idea?