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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10786 results found
get the poker games going again
fix poker games
2341st ranked -
Your news articles are always negative when it comes to President Trump. You also censor any thoughts that run counter to your racial script
I pray that AOL goes bankrupt and is forced to fire its fake journalists. Honestly, I would never shed a tear if senior people in your organization were removed by any means. Your efforts at censoring posts that disagree with your so called community standards are a farce. I despise ghetto thugs and you will never be able to change people's views about that BLM ****. The actions of one bad cop can't change the fact that a large percentage of blacks are a scourge on society. Using Floyd as a model citizen when he was nothing more than a…
4191st ranked -
Know when you are censoring. You have guidelines you observe them.
Know when you are censoring a comment. If it is within guidelines, your feeling of comfortableness is not what you are advertising. This is an adult forum and they should have a choice, not a sheep post to follow.
2341st ranked -
something has changed in your spam filter system. I get a lot more e-mails in my span folder than I ever did before. Please go back to you
Please go back to your old span filter system that you have used in years past
2341st ranked -
Please fix Just Words game site. Many people cannot sign in as they get a white screen. Needs serious overhaul!
Please fix the issues with the JUst Words game. Many people cannot get on to play as they get a white or black screen!
4191st ranked -
Watching the Hypocrisies of the Left Unfold
Let's see, we have seen non-stop quotes by the far left media, like NYT, CNN, MSNBC,CBS, AOL. "No one is above the law" referring to Trump. Does that include Antifa, the Anarchists of Seattle(Chaz), the looters of all the big cities? The big city mayors and some governors are AFRAID TO TAKE THEIR CITIES BACK. I see some support of this garbage from AOL! We are seeing the true colors of the anti-law left. Without law and order (not perfect), we will soon have anarchy. If these idiots (YOU INCLUDED) think this is easy to get back or pay for…
2341st ranked -
Change your adds on the AOL home page -- read on
Make all home page adds on your website show the story they advertise -- without making user click on a ** CONTINUE ** button to read it!!!!!!
(I don't like to click on unknown info or links... this will help.)1082nd ranked -
Why Do I have to 'retry' 20 times to post a Comment.......!!?? Is this what I'm paying $50 a month for....??
Why do I have to retry my Comment 20 times; after I am signed in. Is this what I'm paying $50 a month for??
2341st ranked -
All the questions have the answers already filled in. What's that about?
All the questions have the answers already filled in. What's that about?
4191st ranked -
2341st ranked
I am getting messages from social media that soon they will not support this browser. Is there an upgrade?
My AOL keeps freezing and I am getting messages that some social media will no longer support this browser. Is it time for a change?
1500th ranked -
1500th ranked
poker no limit have to people steve and mavick that stay on chat and no one can chat also whats with ooooo there is about 10 ids that are
need to get ignore button back no limit poker 2 guys steve an mavick nobody cam chat plus about 10 ids with ooooo help and the n works is used so much they leave out the i go u let it pass
4191st ranked -
Refrain from being hypocritical
I attempted to post a comment on Megyn Kelly rails against censorship. I wrote the following: But its ok to have Black-ish and BET TV etc. I quess it was all good when Jemele Hill did an interview for MSNBC wearing a F*ck it I'm protesting Tshirt where the host complimented her shirt before ending the interview. Once I hit POST, It was rejected saying your comment was rejected as apparently it was not aligned with our "Community Guideline. First off I do admit, it the tshirt she wore on live tv does not align with Community Guideline, therefore shouldn't…
2341st ranked -
get real! get decent writers cover the news for a change -- not just your liberal bias
fire the entire 'news' staff and start over AOL is a joke right now
1500th ranked -
I am mystified why there was not one mention of General Flynn's Case? I am also mystified why The Biden ****** accusation is not mentioned?
also slow down the speed at which the news stories rotate. Too fast.
1500th ranked -
Your tech support is garbage.
My emails from 2020 disappeared from my 'old email' folder. Based on other internet postings, AOL obviously has a problem with its servers and the only way to get AOL to resolve their problem is to pay AOL for tech support! That is the symptomatic of an arrogant company on its way out of business.
4191st ranked -
GREG 108.9K Points 10 hours ago harry = LIAR! sent to You need to fix this.
"Harry wrote a post, Greg answered it, and called him a liar, You sent it to me saying it was a comment to me, You accepted the post, and blamed it on me. Please stop that.
4191st ranked -
2341st ranked
1500th ranked
- Don't see your idea?