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10830 results found

  1. Censored

    My comments are again being totally censored by AOL. People say whatever they want to me & they have no problem posting. I can never repeat the post back to them because AOL censors me period.

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  2. Toxicity button

    You all really need to add that particular vote or add a lot more mods. The gun control article posted Saturday morning (March 27) is full of people who don't understand either the constitution or how government works. Many of them are posting false claims.

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  3. 4204th ranked

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  4. No support whatsoever

    You literally have to pay for support. Instead of having a number to call or someone to email, you can't. AOL blames it on COVID lol.

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  5. It's time that the federal gave some help to families separated by the border closure.

    It's time that the federal gave some help to families separated by the border closure. There is no way that a hockey player is more important than a family member. There is no reason the government could not give people with family members in the U.S. passes to cross the border like they do for truck drivers, movie stars, hockey players etc. These same government would not put up with being separated from their families,

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  6. You don't show the picture the Republican Senators took today at the border WHY???

    You need to show what both sides saw at the border today. Not ignore it.

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  7. allow use landline phone to create email address

    Please allow use landline phone instead of mobile phone number when create aol email address

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  8. email link using aol

    can t use link to use aol to send story to other email

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  9. Change of Name

    Change name from AOL to OL. AOL is about as American as Hugo Chavez.

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  10. DOC 4.8K Points 55 minutes ago Things has gotten worse with censorship . I tried to post a positive comment about President Trump and it w

    4.8K Points
    55 minutes ago

    Things has gotten worse with censorship . I tried to post a positive comment about President Trump and it was halted for more then 4 minutes till it posted. Good bye freedom of speech.
    People should call for LEGAL and protest against this political ABUSE!
    AOL continuation BIAS propaganda has to STOP. This is against the constitutional rights to "free speech"..and they know it!!!

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  11. Trump Reversal?

    Look at all the private cooperation Trump has accomplished. He would much rather have cooperation than coercion. (Not that we could ever tell that from reading your rag) So call it a reversal, because it meets your anti-Trump agenda. But the media is losing credibility while Trump gains, even with all your anti-Trump headlines and stories.

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  12. New Poll Indicates That AOL are Leftist Lice,.....

    It's so obvious that AOL does not care about reporting both sides of an issue to letting readers form their own opinions. (It's called Journalism!)

    AOL is highly biased against any conservative opinion.

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    That is all Q is,; people , regular citizens ,seeking information ,not lies,
    or omission of the facts . You show your bias and hatred everyday, by your lying talking point biases. You also don't get the fact, that there are more of us, than you think. You are turning off Millions of good citizens with your lies. Keep it up because you expose yourselves everyday with your hatred of us , regular citizens of all RACES, and CREEDS. I am not sure if you even know what that means.

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  14. stop being partisan and report news NOT YOUR OPINION

    Way to go AOL with your continuous support of fraudulent voter laws and practices. Your Grandmother would be proud - - NOT! SMH

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  15. stop being partisan and report news NOT YOUR OPINION

    Way to go AOL with your continuous support of fraudulent voter laws and practices. Your Grandmother would be proud - - NOT! SMH

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  16. Why does AOL block me? I'm middle of the road Independent. My post are PG13.

    On Aol's main page I'm logged in, and when I go to a page where posting is open AOL logs me out. When are the effects of the man-child Donald Trump going to fade away?

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  17. Why do you not see that your readers are sick of hearing your antirepublican pro liberal agenda

    Why do you not see that your readers are sick of hearing your antirepublican pro liberal agenda

    Like literally I don’t know anyone that would continue using AOL if they didn’t have an email account associated with it that they did not want to necessarily let go, whoever you have writing for you needs to be fired.
    Like the entire staff needs to be let go and you need to find writers who know how to write the news and not their own personal agenda.
    This is no longer about Trump, it’s about the fact that you promote anything liberal…

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  18. Improve reliability! I get daily "site can't be reached" "error occurred loading messages" error occurred sending" "error occurred moving ..

    error occurred moving..sending etc. I was with Compuserve before Aol bought them out and I have thus a 24 year history with you. If not for the hundreds that have my AOL email I would have gone to Gmail a month ago. Fix your problems or face a loss of many members.

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  19. 4204th ranked

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  20. Don't be so biased against out President. Ever story is Negative.

    Wow...another top story on your front page shows our President in a negative tone. With guys fell in love...shows how the press/media is so biased towards liberals/Dems.

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