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10714 results found
Limit the ads. Do you really think I would buy anything from ads that drive me crazy?
Limit the ads. Do you really think I would buy anything from ads that drive me crazy?
382nd ranked -
Your News Dept is the Pitts
Get out of the news business.
2330th ranked -
Quit being blatantly left wing
Your "news" reports are written left wing hacks. "Baseless claims of voter fraud"?? Please we shall see. There are many irregularities in the vote tabulations. AOL expects us to believe that creepy sleepy Joe who rarely came out of his basement, and who could hardly form a coherent sentence could win so many states with so little enthusiasm?
1079th ranked -
4174th ranked
Why can’t I get my emails?
This is second or third time emails stop coming in. Last time I received them was March 4 so I guess just waiting for some time to pass won’t fix it. Why does it happen and can you fix it?
4174th ranked -
California Democrats
Why doesn't AOL and the media run down Biden for picking out a NON MEDICAL person to head the HHS--America's Health headquarters. The man that Biden picked is just a loyal Democrat with NO qualifications for the job. Also, California is suffering record number of infections even though it is TOTALLY run by Democrats for years. Wake up America
1493rd ranked -
By reporting real news
Why wasn't the death of a 5 yr. old white boy shot point blank in the head by a black MAN in N.Carolina while riding a bike with his 2 sisters ever reported on aol. It should have been front page news. aol never mentioned it.
439th ranked -
Drop rhe QAnon "moderators"
Since you have banned me from comments, I no longer reciece what you are charging me for. I fully expect a 20% price reduction, or I drop FIOS and movew to Comcast
2330th ranked -
Stop blocking some of the news about Democrats You had no problem of letting people post about Republicans
Stop blocking some of the news about Democrats You had no problem of letting people post about Republicans
2330th ranked -
Quit showing the same news stories over and over again.
There is enough happening in the world that you don't have to keep posting the stories I read last year. "Like where are the now". Sink holes that happened 5 years ago. You keep filling your news with stories that are old and no relevant. The lady that put up her home for sale and it was like walking into a 169 home. I have read that twice. Guy finds under ground bunker. I have read that twice. Guy walks into a house that was abandoned. Read that twice. News happens everyday. You don have to keep posting the same…
2330th ranked -
TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
439th ranked -
Get rid of the liberal lies from the HufflePuff fake news media
AOL/HuffPuff couldn't print an honest news story to save their lives. It's beyond obvious that they represent the hard left and won't print the truth if it clashes with their liberal beliefs. I use AOL just for my e-mail, but I'm assaulted with leftist bile every time I see their splash screen. I guess the children have taken over the company from the adults.
230th ranked -
One sided
Always negative on Trump and so one sided Disgusting! Cannot give comments anymore I am an independent Always giving news how the self entitled so called stars feel Who gives a **** none of us Get with it and stop being so obnoxious.Freedom of speech remember.
808th ranked -
How about shutting down the Huffington Post?
That and stop reporting serious news. You're no good at it, and constantly getting things wrong. You may be "woke", but you're not truthful.
4174th ranked -
You are not doing enough to insure that the false hoods and lies of Donald Trump are exposed for what they are.
Of National Significance
4174th ranked -
4174th ranked
AOL. It is a sad day for your so called journalistic staff, and major role in being politically bias on subject matters without research!
We of the most have been politically provoked by the lack of good journalism. It seems that the true value of investigating the subject matter is lost in in bias. You are catering to the fire of falsehood, and lack of generating the obvious truths.
At this particular time in the 21st Century. We have been bombarded with lies, spammed media information, con jobs, and much falsehood of truths. Some, and most of your readers have an understanding on certain platforms that exist to this present time. But, we know that most of your media data comes from either yesterdays…
4174th ranked -
what keeps happening to the comments after a topic--I was on one site and was able to comment --came back to it--and they're all gone.
See above--and fix it.
4174th ranked -
Biden is an *** and he is not good for America, but that is what the democrats want.
4174th ranked -
every single day for twenty five years.........I love cupcakes has been totally censored by AOL.
4174th ranked
- Don't see your idea?