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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10829 results found
AOL doesn't stop critcizing EVERYTHING our President does !! BOYCOTT ALL OF THEIR SPONSERS !
See above
1505th ranked -
Stop false campaign by Trump on AOL
How can AOL allow the Trump campaign to advertise lies stating that his ratings are the highest ever
1505th ranked -
2345th ranked
To be less bias in your articles, an example of this is in today's articles about the Republican Congresswomen election results.
Your articles are obviously design and slanted to elicit a certain way of thinking. The headlines are designed to sway the reader before they even read the article. An stark example was today's article on Rep. women in Congress. Statements by several Dem. women indicated their negative views and written with bias but no Rep representation.
4204th ranked -
commenting on website
- cannot comment in website conversation
- showing white background with white Fonts
- comments from other user not showing
- called tech support, need to to submit feedback
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
Backgammon game. Why is it so poorly administered?
Make it work correctly. Probably wouldn't hurt to ask the people who use it and play it for directions on how to make it work better. You want to sell ad space, we want to play a game for free. Duh, make it work better and increase the numbers of players.
4204th ranked -
Yes, try honesty!
how to inprove AOL
4204th ranked -
Drop AP
The White report. like many AP articles is an anti-Trump rant and does not address the complaints specifically. Al Gore di not concede until all legal remedies were exhausted 37 days after the election. The opposition have been trying to overturn 2016 for four years.
.4204th ranked -
You Fake News creeps find one person who has a disagreement with GOP and Fake it even more. JERKS
You just salivate in finding a Republican in the country who agrees with your FAKE News and you love it, eat it, dissolve it, and use it like it is a worldwide belief. SICK and Disgusting
4204th ranked -
Let me comment on a regular basis.
The articles here try to make a point. Well, I can sometimes share my thoughts and sometimes I can't. Being stuck at home because of the virus, a conversation between adults, is good and healthy.
4204th ranked -
Respond to complaints of inappropriate ads and spam
My home page is full of "news" about a region I don't live in (mid-west) and "stories" inappropriate for who I am (such as ads for plus-size clothes and pet gear--I'm short, petite, and I don't have pets). The spam I get is even worse: ads for erectile dysfunction drugs (I'm an almost-old widow) and for guns and other military equipment (whaaat???). It's disgusting and upsetting. JUST STOP.
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
Your so called "news" is so fake and biased it is LAUGHABLE!! The people who write this **** are the laughing stock of smart people everywhere.
Only idiots believe this liberal pile of steaming feces!655th ranked -
Democrat Leaders?
The dems are up to their old nasty tricks, trying to use a world crisis to try to pass agenda items that have NOTHING to do with the economic package. And your best headline is "Frustration at the White House"? You and your leftist pundit buddies are lower than low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The real problem is YOU don't care, just so YOU can score points against Trump.
340th ranked -
What is this? Everytime I put in a URL, I get hit with ads. I've been with AOL since the early 90's, but I won't be much longer.
Feedback on ads. What's going on? Suddenly, when I put in a URL, I get hit with an ad that I have to click out of. I've been with AOL since the early 90's, but won't be much longer if this keeps up. I hear icloud and gmail calling me! -- I'll give you a chance to get rid of this, but if you don't, I'm out of here. Typing in a URL - it's almost like giving myself a robo-call. Quit it!!
2345th ranked -
Democrat's Temper Tantrum over RGB replacement
Ginsberg may have "wished" to not be replaced until after the election, but that's a flip flop on her part, and the constitution doesn't provide for dying wishes of jurists. She also had every opportunity to retire when Obama was in office. So, scream if you wish, but Trump has every constitutional right to replace. Remember what Obama said? "I won, you lost". Harry Reid lost the senate and changed the rules, now, YOU HYPOCRITES HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT! If you try to slaughter the next candidate, or burn down the US, YOU will guarantee Trump's re-election for sure.
2345th ranked -
Liberal Kimmel "Powerful monologue", Liberal Levy "Bold" speech, but conservative covington "wild political rant" BIAS
Stop the left bias. Just report facts.
2345th ranked -
Learn to spell and how to use grammar properly
I've noticed the steady decline of the proper use of the English language the past 40 years in all forms of media. I wish the "old-school" editors hadn't retired, or at least had trained their replacements properly. Maybe the blame is on the school systems that don't stress the use of actual dictionaries or thesauruses to ensure the proper usage of words and phrases. Cases in point - AOL constantly uses "media" as a singular word (it's plural for medium), AOL pluralizes words that are singular ("The BAND are, the COUPLE are - regardless of units within the word, there…
1086th ranked -
My name is Magdi Labib, email
I want to end my premier subscription.
4204th ranked
- Don't see your idea?