Why doesn’t the Labeled Day (ex: Monday) when Deleting actually not Delete that day’s mail???
Today I was trying to Delete all of my OLD EMAIL (2020) that your system does actually Delete ALL OF THE EMAIL IN THAT SELECTED DAY (ex: Monday)??? Today alone I’ve tried to Delete all my old EMail from 2020!!! I’ve done so over 50 times and there is still more Emails in the 2020 Folder (ex: 2020 or Monday)???? This system is Nothing but trouble and very annoying!!!
If you are going to have individual days of what ever, how about having Email from that day actually be acceptable. Not only a few at a time!!!
To delete email in the app you have a few options:
- From the message list you can swipe to the left on a message to delete.
- You can tap on a message to open it and tap the trash can in the lower left.
You can tap on the icon to the left of the sender’s name and then tap the trash icon in the lower left corner
To delete multiple messages simultaneously:
- Tap the icon to the left of the sender’s name on each message you wish to delete (this will show the selection circles for all of the list)
- Tap the trash icon in the lower left