AOL Mail Mobile Basic
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail Mobile Web Basic experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
327 results found
Change back to how it used to be not this pile of trash
This new aol is totally wrong you had a beautiful set up well set out easy to navigate concentrating on just my email now you have only a few emails before you have to turn page for next emails then same for the next an so on . Your reduced what you want to do with a email now you have to go to another option to get to what you need ,it’s at the bottom and doesn’t stand out ,you have put ads in middle of emails your forcing me to take longer to read edit save move and…
Block emails
This is ridiculous, I am trying to block from receiving emails from an individual and I have been searching for a way to do it for 45 minutes. Why? It is stupid that you simply don't have something like, oh I don’t know, “blocking emails”. Wow! Probably way to simple.
New email format
This has to be THE WORST EMAIL FORMAT FOR USERS. Did I miss know like a notification of change or an opt in or out? Also, many things are missing! It easily could make one surmise that saved data, pics, etc was comprised? This is disturbing, not to mention disgraceful on behalf of your company....oh sorry, your corporation.
Go back to the olf format. The new one is too horrid for words.
Go back to the old email format. New one is awful
This is a night mare
Please put things back as they were
Hate this chage with mail
Hate mail now put back
When I go into the old version I can no longer get the old mail new mail folders! Where are they?
Please return the complete version of the old AOL Mail
How to empty spam folder without having to delete each and every email individually
Empty folder option, like before
Reset back to old and more user friendly
Now I have to delete each individual spam because of this terrible new and not improved version! Who decided this would be more user friendly must not be laughing.
New layout is annoying and makes me want to leave aol.
The new desing is completely user unfriendly. I can not quickly scroll through my mails since it might accidentally delete or mark as read some mails. It's now difficult for me to have an overview of all my mails, especially with the new break of Days and Months the mails were received. I read the days instead of the mail header, which is annoying. The colours are also too bright, with too little differentiation between each mail. Everytime i load the menu which leads me to a completely new page and therefore causes a differentiation of my files and deleted…
Now I have to go to SETTINGS each time I access my old email interface. Please let me PERMANENTLY choose my old style email.
Or, better yet, GET RID OF THIS NEW ONE. -
What happened to the home addresses that were saved in the contacts!
So angry now! So I don't have an idea how to fix this except return to other version....why is my husband's AOL unchanged? Put it back!!!!!
Why would you make the update more difficult to use than the original that it replaced. I just was forced to individually delete 120 "Trash"
How is it possible that all the geniuses at AOL got together and came up with a version of AOL mail that is totally inferior to the version that it replaced?
As an example I just had to individually delete 120 trash messages because you eliminated the ability to delete all in one keystroke.
If you need to find busywork for your programmers perhaps it would be best if you just lay them off and leave well enough alone. All your users should not have to be your beta testers! -
Terrible fomat time to get rid of aol.. go back to the way it was
No ads when I check my emails please..
- Don't see your idea?