Drop down list of last 100 sites is horrendously incomplete
Clicking on the down arrow to the right of the address box USED TO produce a drop down list of the last 100 sites you visited. In this shameful AOL Gold "upgrade", it no longer does that. For some inexplicable reason, you get a drop down list of some randomly chosen previously visited sites. If they are not the last 100 (and they definitely are not), how on earth does that help me? And like I've asked about all the other aspects of AOL Desktop Gold which are WORSE than 9.8.2 - why on earth would your engineers have changed this very helpful aspect of 9.8.2 when developing Desktop Gold? How does removing useful aspects of a software that we were all very happy with, somehow qualify as an "upgrade". And here's the most annoying thing of all - when you folks respond to my complaints (twice in the past), you NEVER address the issue of why all the things I complained about were put into Desktop Gold in the first place? In other words, why on earth did your software developers PURPOSELY remove or change functional aspects of the AOL software to the detriment of your loyal subscribers? As usual, I expect a useless answer from you guys, telling me you will "look into" the problem I mention. Yet why these "problems" are there to begin with, when they weren't there in 9.8.2 - THAT NEVER GETS ANSWERED BY YOU GUYS! WHY IS THAT? One other thing which nobody has yet answered for me - if we are so unhappy with this shamefully bad "upgrade", why on earth don't you allow us to return to 9.8.2 if that's what we want? Why did AOL suddenly decide to FORCE us to use Desktop Gold, when an upgrade was always, in every single previous AOL upgrade, our choice to accept or not? Why has nobody yet answered me why we can't choose to return to 9.8.2? I await your response to that, and to all my questions.......