Please prove that you are sincere and tell us what fixes you have done to AOL Gold. I had received a message that updates are "automatic".
To ensure customer confidence (or at least attempt to regain some), please detail the fixes that you have made due to customer feedback.
If you fail to do that, you have a PR disaster on your hands.
Please be assured each suggestion you send to us is carefully read and evaluated by a member of our staff. We take your concerns very seriously, and answer your questions and comments with the most up-to-date information available to us. We are constantly working to improve our members’ experience and include more features. You can always check the new features or fixes by visiting this public website:
Anonymous commented
So, now you don't even read our complaints, you just allow us to show our complaints to each other. Where are the AOL stockholders on this deliberate downgrade of what was once a great place to handle e-mail?
JIM THOMPSON commented
Ideas are submitted but just about nothing gets listened to.
Anonymous commented
Where can I view which GOLD problems we have been submitting have been solved and when and what was done? Where can I see which ones are planned (on a list and not having to scroll thru all the complaints)?
bob k. commented
when will we see any improvements ? - been months on this forum + still aol has done nothing except provide useless tech service that does nothing to repair gold's built in problems - user unfriendly , biased inaccurate news , worst email performance on web , slow error filled site performance , non local local news , + etc. + - AOL does not listen to or care about long time paid subscribers At All !!! - no problems with free MSN + yahoo in any area of performance -
Lynn Miller commented
This page shows planned corrections. WHEN will they be done?
Anonymous commented
Give us a schedule of WHAT will be brought back from the old desktop and WHEN. Every time I give specifics of which items should be in the schedule, it gets "combined" with previous requests and the idea of the schedule is lost. We have been giving feedback for months. Now it is time to give us a schedule of what and when the Gold will be improved. That IS my idea. I see notes here and there on feedback items that certain ones are being considered and that some will be brought back for sure. But nothing is getting done. A schedule please? Without action steps, listing our ideas is an exercise in futility, Since nothing is being done, it seems like AOL asking for feedback is insincere.
Anonymous commented
How long will you be gathering feedback before anything is changed or improved???
Anonymous commented
NOTHING that's whats being done NOTHING!
Anonymous commented
Advise where updates /changes to Gold are being made as promised.
louge commented
hard tell by the version number listed in about if it has the most recent updates installed
RONALD FLORA commented
I see there is another revision to Gold. What are the changes? It would be helpful to know.
Anonymous commented
You've been gathering feedback for weeks now and nothing has changed.
Have you noticed that the vast majority of feedback is negative?The new system is not working and is not acceptable!
What have we to do to get your attention?? Switch providers ?
Anonymous commented
Please tell us by email when you have fixed something or brought a function back. It gives AOL users hope that AOL is heeding the requests to get Desktop back to where it was.
Anonymous commented
Most developers have to provide schedules to their stake holders. I consider paying customers stake holders. We're paying for this software. I would appreciate a schedule. I want to see where the MAJOR bugs and discrepancies will be fixed. This isn't too much to ask since you all shoved this down our throats.
RONALD FLORA commented
So what are the changes? It would be helpful to know.
Vivian commented
A few years back, I was an aol beta tester, and everyday aol would send out an email saying what had been fixed. I do wish aol would do something like that for aol gold problems. At least it would let us know that someone is actually working on the problems.
bob k. commented
i do not believe that ANY usefull corrections !!! - tech support not helpfull or understanding !!!
Vivian commented
Is there any way you could have a post that tells us daily what has been corrected? Thank you.