Liberal hack
I see AOL continues to feed its brain dead visitors to liberal and hate trump articles. Why not simply be truthful and declare yourself a Left Wing appendage of the Liberal Socialist Democratic Party? You are not fooling anyone. Your "wonderful" painting of Bernie and Kamala makes me sick. I am surprised your lips are not worn out from all the butt kissing you did for Obama....but here we go again. YOU ****.
Charley Pool commented
When are you ever going to print anything positive about Donald Trump and his family?? How can you ignore that fact that he saved millions of Americans by shutting down flights from China when he did...Your "love children" Pelosi, Schumer and that despicable liar Schiff were busy with that silly impeachment nonsense while Trump was doing his job,,,,
Rick S commented
AOL's BIAS articles that promote Progressive Left points of view are repulsive.
Leslie Horst commented
Read a number of comments to this effect. There's a lot of silly and repetitive stuff in AOL news, as well as the annoying need to hit "next" a million times while dodging ad links in order to read any story. But "anti-Trump" bias? I find that accusation is made anytime anyone criticizes our president. I'm pro-reality, and have seen that Trump rarely deals in any realities that don't benefit him. And yes, lots of us could see that happening when he was elected. But the reality of his presidency has been worse that my most nightmare-ridden fears in 2016.
RUDY LANG commented
AOL is a disgusting piece of *** and hates America. YOU ***.
Bob Russell commented
Am also tired of the "Next Page" bar jumping around so that I invariably click on an advertisement . This starts happening about the 4th or 5th page in, at that point I "X" out of the story, go to something else. Very annoying!
RUDY LANG commented
AOL lies and ***.
Anonymous commented
fire everybody who currently works for aol and get people who are not stupid
RUDY LANG commented
There is absolutely NOTHING of value or truth on the AOL Welcome page. Everything is distorted lies, hearsay, half-truths and hate Trump. AOL ***,
Walter J. Colburn commented
I'm glad to see that there are other subscribers that are sick and tired of seeing the same biased stories being recycled over and over again. We subscribe to a news service and expect to get current unbiased news articles, instead we get recycled stories of celebrities who are biased and irrelevant, same articles over and over with just the titles changed. Give us what we are paying for or stop trying to be a current news source and continue trying to become the national inquirer, your choice get better or loose subscribers.
Hondo commented
Serious question: When was the last time you put something positive about the President in your news carousel?
RUDY LANG commented
If you dumb brain dead half-wits really think that Trumps poll numbers are falling than you belong in a mental institution and it only proves that you lie through your A Hole to make news not report it. YOU ***
RUDY LANG commented
AOL *** with it hate and lies. Go the *** of business you *** *** H.
caotain mike commented
No longer look at welcome page as your news is biased badly
Anonymous commented
I won't buy anything that that advertises on your page covering the article that I am trying to read.
Anonymous commented
I agree! I stopped looking at those stories. Every time I click NEXT it takes awhile to get to the next page. I lose the train of thought and after two pages don't even care what the story is about. And I am PAYING for this GOLD service?
Anonymous commented
I agree . If you are gong to tell A story do so without page after page of **** most of which has nothing to do with it.
James Peffly commented
NO I do not want to be lied to. Keep it as it is.
James Peffly commented
WAAAAAAAA That is all FAUX NOISE did to Obama for 8 years and yu did not cry about that. Go to FAUX NOISE
James Peffly commented
WOW Just repeating trump lies and you call it propaganda. SAD Use the dropdown on the news section and go to FAUX NOISE (Fox news).
James Peffly commented
Disagree. If trump would stop lying to the populace, then he would get articles that reflect that. And I am a senior citizen that has NOT joined his cult.