AOL App For Android
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295 results found
Allow me the option to open the app to my inbox.... ALWAYS. I don't want to see your "news". I'm here for the email.
Open app to Inbox, not "news"
set default screen to mail.
app shoyld open to mail. not require ys to change screen to mail
Can I just have a plain email App without news and other stuff?
News and other stuff is not relevant; Just Email is.
make easier to opt out of all third party cookies access and use. Facebook and Twitter are exceptionally difficult to block for their uses
all cookies should be proposed as opt in only
Font type and size choice should be available on cell phones just like on a computer.
Font type & size on cell phones mobile.
let us be able to attach photos that are large. The website does not enable us to reduce the size of the photo so it always fails.
Enable us to reduce the size of the photo if it is too large.
there is to much repetitive news postings and I am sure a lot of it people don't really care about...
The opportunity to choose what information I get, since I do
have the time or patience to deal with all the other trash out there.
Give users some ability to control/tailor the sponsored content in our news feed.
allow paying users to modify their settings so that they have some control over the sponsored content on their news feed.
Add option to show sender's email address instead of name.
Add an option in settings that allows me to select whether I want to see the sender's name or the sender's email address.
Rotate Screen
add option for fixed rotation or auto rotation
go back to the old version, the new one isn't as easy to use.
I want to be able to switch to the old format.
you should be able to adjust what news feeds you want to see on your site I want to be able to delete certain news like fox
you should be able to adjust what lose agencies you want to see like Fox CNN MSNBC Huffington Post etc and permanently block them
Let me go back to the old format. Member since 1980's. I hate your new format!
Member since 80's Hate your new format. Let me go back to the old one.
Stop sending adds. I come your site to enjoy browsing and purchasing not to be hit with adds everytime I visit the site.
simple stop the adds. I can always delete you and find another supplier that doesn't harras me when I open my email.
- Don't see your idea?