AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1418 results found
485th ranked
485th ranked
485th ranked
Old update
You are sending out an old version as an update.
485th ranked -
Go back to what AOL used to be. emails were much more user friendly to read and send. Since you changed your system has become slower and
writing and managing emails is now much harder and use of fonts way less easy and the results harder to read. System responsiveness is slower, too. and I use email a lot, making it a pain to continue using your platform. More and more I've been relying on gmail though I used to prefer your format and interface.
485th ranked -
485th ranked
I can't get into my email It says password incorrect And somehow I have a two-step verification and the second step is sent to my email!
I am not the only one with this problem what's going on AOL fix it I need to get into my email
485th ranked -
Fix the app! Last update broke it. List of issues too long to post. Do you not beta test these updates?
Last update broke several features. e.g., Dark mode. Only follows system setting for 1st email address. Too many steps to delete the trash. Where'd select all go? To name a few...
485th ranked -
Actually put my app in Dark Mode when I tell it to match the setting of my device, which is set to Dark Mode!
I should NOT be seeing a white background and dark text in my email inbox when I've told the app to match the Dark Mode setting of my device!
485th ranked -
Why was service out on Oct 24, 2024?
I want reimbursement for outage on 10/24/24.
485th ranked -
485th ranked
485th ranked
485th ranked
warum werden mir Mails in Englisch angezeigt
ich bin deutscher und kein Engländer
485th ranked -
AOL software needs to be stabilized to prevent crashes. Also, when I frequently try to past a subject in the Subject line of an email, the w
When I frequently try to paste a subject in the Subject line of an email, the words strangely appear in the Send To line instead, as bogus email addresses!!
485th ranked -
485th ranked
Depuis màj apk sur android, plus d'accès zux pièces jointes venant du gestionnaire de fichiers. Pas possible de revenir à l'ancienne version
Pieces jointes sur android
485th ranked -
In app notification sounds are no longer working. I used to be able to customize notification sounds within the app & it no longer works
In app notifications are no longer working. I used to be able to customize incoming email notification sounds but that option is no longer working on my Samsung S20. I counted on that feature to distinguish between incoming personal emails vs incoming bussiness emails. Even after using AOL for over 30 years, I'm seriously considering using a different email application due to the loss of this function.
485th ranked -
Take steps to fix your far left news feed
Consider Newsmax and other sources to balance out your far left newsfeed
485th ranked -
485th ranked
- Don't see your idea?